Leonid Afrimov
Suggests 'colour, Spring and rainbows.'
Suggests 'colour, Spring and rainbows.'
We must wait till September, till Spring arrives once more.
Winter is knocking at the window and who knows what’s in store?
Today the first of the chilly rain came sheeting down the street,
And the last of the summer flowers are finally admitting defeat.
Yet, throughout winter, there are rainbows, and colour still remains;
The Winter flowers grow bravely welcoming refreshing rains.
Here Summer is always a trial, when cool days are so rare,
And so we rejoice in Winter; so much easier to bear.
Yet still we long for Springtime, when the wattle flaunts its gold
And the glorious jacaranda is a glory to behold.
Australia has its seasons, though far more subtle than yours,
Here, in the land of Upsidedown, we’re obeying different laws!

(An Acrostic)
Strange that at the start of life
I only yearned to be a wife,
Seeking to find myself a man,
The icing on the marzipan.
Each year that passes I discover,
Right as it is to need a lover,
How precious are my female friends;
On them much happiness depends!
Often I'm found,(and it's so good,)
Delighting in The Sisterhood.

(An Acrostic)
Strange that at the start of life
I only yearned to be a wife,
Seeking to find myself a man,
The icing on the marzipan.
Each year that passes I discover,
Right as it is to need a lover,
How precious are my female friends;
On them much happiness depends!
Often I'm found,(and it's so good,)
Delighting in The Sisterhood.
both such wonderful writes...the words and painting from the first are magical.
Mesmerizing! Great work! My potluck:http://verseinanutshell.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/protect/
Wow - good luck struck me when I chose your link - this poetry is splendid - I will most certainly be back for more :)
Glad to see some from down under! Here is mine: http://jaanpehchaan.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/under-the-influence/
What a lovely potluck, such pith in your words!
Oh.. I sooo enjoyed your Spring poem, Brenda.. Here, it's already Spring... although I must admit, it's still pretty cool (which I LOVE) :)
Despite being a science person and all that, I still find it amazing how 2 points on the same planet are soooo different from each other.. Nature (and her science) are simply AWESOME...no?! :)
What a great look at the seasons
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