Saturday, May 21, 2011

At the Ready



Lined-up for the party, regimented row on row,
The wine-glasses are waiting for the liquid gold to flow.
Polished to perfection, shining in the sun,
'Bottoms Up!' everyone will cry!
Ain't life fun!



We sailed across the Tasman to the Land of the Long White Cloud
To view the lush green countryside of which Kiwis are so proud.
Coming from Australia, which is often harsh and dry,
We hoped for a light and fluffy cloud drifting across the sky.
But what should greet our eager eyes but this angry mass of grey
Threatening to cast a gloomy 'cloud' over our holiday!
A white cloud? Not a bit of it! Oh what mean duplicity!
All in the name of, very successful, national publicity.



Helen said...

Stellar! Both poems.

VioletSky said...

I thought at first that those wine glasses was a shot of bubble wrap! I like the shininess of the glass.

Unknown said...

beautiful, love your your bio even more. no moss...Happy Pink Saturday! Sunny109

Anonymous said...

ah the hint of a party

Karen said...

Yes. life is fun! Being an oenophile, that top shot appeals to me...fill er up!

Dragonstar said...

The shot of those glasses has really come out well.

Francisca said...

I saw the same as VioletSky... and then reading your fun poem, I had to enlarge it. Duh! And the cloud photo fits your hilarious poem perfectly.

genie said...

I, too, thought the wine glasses were bubble wrap at first. It was the perfect geometric line up that got me. Glad to see they are glasses. So interesting. The repetition makes for a great shot. Nice lighting.