The Wordle
We are asked to use all the words in the wordle.
Picture the beautiful maiden
Trapped in an ivory tower,
Imprisoned there by demons,
Yet as lovely as a flower!
Though granite walls surround her
She sings a sweet refrain....
'I will wait here at my window
Till my lover comes again',
The sweetness of the jasmine,
The glow from the sunset sky
Are as nothing compared to her beauty,
Though a tear falls from her eye.
At last she hears a whistle!
Her lover has come again!
Riding his ample white steed
Back to his own domain.
My lady's heart is lightened,
She fears not one mishap.
Her faithful lover will save her;
He is ready for a scrap.
What a beautiful picture,
A montage from the past!
Her lover wins the battle
And she is his at last!

I'm all for marking time
And staying in one spot.
My life is such a pleasure to me.
I'm happy with what I've got.
I don't want to step backward,
Though I found pleasure there;
I don't want to step forward
Into what could be thin air.
Left, right, left, right, marking time,
With no 'next step' at all.
That may be rather wimpish,
But then, I'm having a ball.
Loved both. Great wordle. Lucky maiden :)
Beautiful poem and rhyme. Love the style and flow of this. Great use of the wordle words!
Like your wordle fairytale, as well as the photo and the second piece. They go so well together.
Well done!! Fun read --
your rhymes alway leave me smiling......your talent is evident in every line of a wonderful wordle poem
This is quite a statel poem with rinkly rimes! Love it! Great use of the words with style :)
It's as if these words were made for your tale!!! Perfect fit Rinkly!!
Clever crafting!
I adore a happy ending. Though I did also like that play, where Bernadette Peters, I think was the witch...Into the Woods...
Like that second piece too - I'm right there with you. :)
My shorter piece 'Crust' is here, with a link to the continuing story verse at the bottom if interested...
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