Monday, July 30, 2012


chose the illustration


Maybe she will, maybe she won't.
Don't look at me my friend!
Like you, I've been deserted,
And I think this is the end.
You're missing licking her morning cheek
And jumping on the bed.
You're missing the running for the ball
The begging and playing dead!
You're missing the dish of tasty treats,
The tickle behind the ear,
The leaning up against her knee,
And just knowing that she's near.
You're missing her voice, that pealing laugh,
That joyful shout of 'Rover!',
You're missing the sweet, sweet scent of her.
Now I tell you it's all over.
We have to make a change, my friend,
We've lost our friend and wife.
Don't make such an awful fuss!
Can't you see I've lost my life?


Sun-scorched, wave dampened,
Poised, ready for more play.
A moment in time in the blessed shade
And then........up and away!


Annie Jeffries said...

That's really sad. If it's art imitating life, I'm sorry.

Cheryl Cato said...

Sad but sweet. I enjoyed reading your poem.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Most definitely heartfelt.

21 Wits said...

It is never good to let go of the love of your life, ever.

Silent Otto said...

Beaurifully sad R squared. Reminds me of the aussie film recently " the burning man" , thanks

Kay said...

so sad....but nice to see a different angle on the image..x

Berowne said...

Marvelous what you got out of the prompt, and what you put into it.

Sue J said...

A large hole has appeared in both their lives. Great Mag!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Oh so sad but so beautiful.

Anna :o]

PammyMcB said...
