Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Skin-Full

asks for a very short story to accompany this illustration


Said Bertie, 'If I were a dinosaur,
I could be drinking so much more.
They have a very great capacity.'
Wish granted! Bertie! What audacity!
(140 characters)

(From the archives)

I'm fascinated by statistics; they've always interested me;
In fact I often wish I'd studied sociology.
I know they can be dodgy, but even an overall view,
Has the power to show the differences between the false and true.
So my blog statistics intrigue me; they're the snapshot of my blog;
Rather like a meter, or a mathematical log.
Most of my readers, so I've been told, are from the USA;
More than half of them, in fact; each and every day.
So I'm looking at my statistics from a Yanky point of view,
Trying to work out from them, what you blog-readers do!
Above we see the yellow graph, (the orange is a plus),
Knowing the seasonal routine is not the same for us.
In the midde of the year it's clear the readership is sagging;
It's summer so, in America, interest is flagging.
You're all out on the beaches, getting a healthy tan,
Deserting the word of blogging en masse and to a man.
But then, look at January, you're huddled by the fire
With your lap-top handy, so my results go higher!
Now why should October reach a peak? I suppose the weather's cooling,
And it's different from November when Thanksgiving sets you drooling.
But look at my Xmas levels! Look and then look again!
Compare the statistics of 2009 to those of 2010!
Maybe the weather's been more severe this year compared to the last.
Maybe you've done more huddling than you have done in the past!
I wonder if my deductions are even vaguely right.
I'll check at the end of next year.
What, then, will be my plight?

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