Brenda Bryant
(A Haiku)
The first sun of day
Softens the dull works of man,
Burnishes the sea.

'No more talk of darkness, forget those wide-eyed fears'
In the game of noughts and crosses that we classify as 'life',
With the noughts as golden circles and the crosses marking strife,
It's up to us to choose the symbol that we speak about.....
Some choose golden circles and some choose strife and doubt.
For sure they figure equally upon each drawn-up board,
Although, at certain times, it seems our lives are dark and flawed.
If we let those days predominate and forget the days that shine,
We may start believing that life is never fine.
And if our conversations are littered with despair,
Others too will start to think that jewelled days are rare.
No more talk of darkness, for what good does it do?
Wide eyed fears exist, of course; they are nothing new.
Death, destruction, bitterness...... these we cannot forget,
But constant reiteration simply adds to the regret.
'Look for the silver lining'..... certainly that's trite,
But, in a way, the old-time lyric-writers got it right.
I love sunrise at the beach! Of course since I'm the only early riser in my house - I watch them alone ;(
Very nice.
Love the golden glow.
I'm guessing noughts and crosses is what we call tic-tac-toe here in the States.
I love the haiku, and I love the golden light of the morning sun.
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