Clad in all its rich regalia,
In the summer in Australia,
Here we see a charming dahlia,
Opening in the sun.
Petals merge both pink and yellow,
In a scheme both bright and mellow.
Each bloom vying with its fellow
To be 'the one.'

(Written before Australia's terrible floods last year!)
We visited the Land of the Long White Cloud about a year ago;
New Zealand, a land of plenty, where everything seems to grow.
Australia is often a golden brown, when drought is holding sway,
And so we love to visit that green haven 'across the way'.
A quick flight over the Tasman and we find ourselves surrounded
By fertile acres, rolling streams and fecundity unbounded.
But the Kiwis have to pay a price for all their moisty mist;
They get an awful lot of rain while we are so sun-kissed!
Here you see The Long White Cloud, which looks distinctly grey!
I'll visit that South Seas Paradise, but I don't intend to stay!
1 comment:
blooming flowers and poems are always a pleasure.
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