created the art work.
My love lived in a block of flats
On the other side of town
And sometimes being away from her
Really got me down.
One day while I was languishing,
Downhearted, and alone,
I saw a way of greeting her
By a method all my own.
I made a paper aeroplane
From a love-note I had written,
(As you can tell I was deep in love.....
Absolutely smitten!)
With well-honed origami skills
I folded and I fashioned,
A paper aeroplane which spoke
Of a man deeply impassioned.
I cast my plane upon the winds;
It flew just like a bird.
I knew that it would reach my love
And carry each loving word.
It circled in the breezy blue,
It fluttered in the sky
Then, like a stupid boomerang,
Came back and hit me in the eye!
A loaf of bread , a flask of wine;
Come share this country find of mine.
A picnic table tucked away,
Where eucalyptus branches sway,
And leafy shadows move and spread,
Echoing greenery overhead.
The curving path, gently inclined,
Leads to this spot, a magical find.
Here, you and I can reminisce,
Thankful life has come to this.
I love this piece....wonderful work ....
I laughed out loud, when I read this! Such a fabulous poem based on Mr T's drawing. What a wonderful gift you have.
what a wonderful story to go with the art! Thanks for sharing your unique talent.
thank you that I was able to inspire such a lovely poem. :) fun to read.
I will put a link on the side bar but going to take it off the sign in as that is only for those who have contrubuted an art piece to Creative Teusday, which is an actual art co-op. thank you.
I did enjoy that, even though I sensed it would not end well. Maybe you should write a sequel. Can't leave t there, surely!
Hello! I'm visiting from CT! LOVE your blog!! Your stories, poems and prose are wonderful!!
LOL, thank you for my first chuckle of the day.
Just wanted to take time to tell you how much I enjoy EVERY poem you share. Gifts ... all of them. What a talent you have.
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