Friday, May 1, 2009



This photograph was taken during a time of drought some years ago. The camera wasn't very powerful but I rather like the water-colour effect. Drought is never far from the mind of an Australian.
 Warragamba Dam holds Sydney's water-supply.


For a while ignore the sky
And those pink clouds floating by,
Clouds that are echoed down below
Where Warragamba waters flow.
Oh so calm and oh so dry
On account of the errant sky.
Look instead at the water's rim
Where it should fill right to the brim.
See that tell-tale pale brown ledge
Leading down to the water's edge.
The water's low and getting lower,
Bad news for grazier and grower,
Bad news too for each garden plot
Now that the weather continues hot.
Those flimsy clouds are very pretty
But they will never quench a city.

See another sky here:


Andy Sewina said...

I like the rhymes here, I seem to have a thing about the way poetry sounds at the moment.


Cuppa Jo said...

Beautiful photo and ver nice poem.

Thanks for sharing.

Jo said...

Hi Brenda, I wondered why your post said 1 May when I realised you are 10 hours ahead of South African time. I love the photo.

Jeri ~ said...

Beautiful photo and poem.

Maria said...

~ Very calming colors ~

penny said...

You always have the most amazing poems along with your wonderful photos. Thanks, I enjoyed both!

Dakota Bear said...

Nice poem. Great picture.

diane b said...

Love the soft pinks. I visited the dam when very young.

Kat said...

"...Speaking of the ancient stories
Of gods living overhead..."
these verses are from the other poem...

Whenever our reservoirs and rivers become dry....

We offer prayers to the gods living overhead to send us rains :))))