Friday, May 8, 2009

Universal Uncertainty


Try to imagine
A Universe that has an end.
I can't.
Try to imagine
A Universe that has no end.
I can't.
Travel in your mind 
To the edge of a finite Universe.
Do you hit a wall?
Are we inside a sphere?
If you broke through the sphere
Would you find Nothingness?
What is Nothingness?
It is not Emptiness.
It is not Darkness.
It is not Blankness.
You cannot see it, or taste it, or smell it.
Because it is not there.
So how will you recognise it?
I cannot believe in it
Because I cannot imagine it.
Travel in your mind
Through the endlessness
Of an infinite Universe.
You think you understand
The words 'forever',
But can you really imagine
Passing planet upon planet
Out out out
For Ever?
I cannot believe in it
Because I cannot imagine it.
There are only two possibilities
And  I can't believe in either of them!
These are the thoughts of a child.
I thought these thoughts
Lying in my bed
With the sheet neatly folded under my chin.
'I'll understand when I'm old'
I thought.
But now I am old and I still don't understand.
So I never will.
I am going to die frustrated.
But then it wont matter.

Here is another wrestle with the cosmos!


L.Holm said...

I always imagined we'd understand after we die. Which is nonsensical, too. You have such a clear, beautiful voice for expressing the inexplicable.

Margaret Gosden said...

A day or two ago I had a thought along the same wavelength, perhaps following your rime about phlying, Only it was about the planet and how miraculously it is held in place by the moon's distance from us, albeit I read somewhere that the moon was moving away inch by inch. Then what, I wonder. Hopefully, an astronaught will be blogging in his or her orbital spare time and will educate us on the myths conjured up by the insecure!

Kat said...

This thought has been upper most in my mind... right from the day I learnt to crawl :))))

You've rhymed the puzzle that's been bugging us so well. I think, beyond - the answer would lie.

Stacia said...

Imagining the unimaginable is the ultimate paradox, I think. It's like the book Flatland if you've ever read it. But at least thinking about it is a good mental workout, right?

jfb57 said...

A very thought provoking post. An excellent U post too!

Teresa said...

Such a profound, thought-provoking post for the letter U.

Judie said...

I think that the makeup of our brains protects us from going crazy thinking about all that. Your poem is so excellent!! Great "U" post!

p.s. my word verification word began with u!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

lovely, as always!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love it,

universal uncertainty, true, it gives us goosebumps.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This post has my brain reeling.

My name is Riet said...

Great U words

Unknown said...

I love this poem! I've thought about a lot of this when I was a child too, though it was mostly influenced by my dad who worked in aerospace :) I think you perfectly worded the feelings that many of us had about the universe when we were children :) Great job!

Jenny said...

Wow. What an incredibly thought provoking post.

Your word crafting skills are just unbelievably lovely.

Thanks for sharing them.


Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

This is so true! And well said. I was talking with my kids the other day about how there is nothing in space, not even air, and they were so baffled! I must admit I feel the same way.