Chosen Phrase
Why cling to a dream that is broken?
Heaven was made to be lost.
Expect cruel words to be spoken!
Now a new bridge must be crossed.
It's easy to grow more regretful,
To cherish the stone in one's heart;
So easy to grow more forgetful,
Only viewing the heart-breaking part.
Very few of us go through life gaily,
Each day free of trouble and pain.
Regret can invade our lives daily
Just because we endure it again.
Until we can shake off regretting,
So at last a bright future can dawn,
This malaise of just never forgetting
Brings with it regret that's new-born.
Off with the cloak of despair!
Wake up and smell the fresh air!
One of the many secrets of life is cultivating a sense of selective memory. Throw out the bad -- or find a way to pity it (not be angry or bothered), and recall only the good. Easier said than done of course!
This is so good. Your talent is amazing. I love acrostic that rhyme, and you seem to have a flare for this.
Please do both the prompts. I post a new prompt every Saturday. So glad you joined us.
I love your last two rhymes. Acrostic must be very hard to write.
Icarus is so appropriate in today's economic downturn.
Nice one.
Beautifully said.. I know I will be back to read this one again. I didn't realize what acrostic meant - I'm very impressed!
It's hard to find you when you don't post the page on the My. Linky. This is easy, just click on the title of the post, then copy the web address.
I corrected it. This is good, and I wouldn't want any of the readers to miss it.
A great message in this. Yes, life is a bitch. Once you realise that, you can get over it quicker and enjoy living.
Brings with it regret that's new-born.
Off with the cloak of despair!
Wake up and smell the fresh air!
I loved the conclusion most :)
Absolutely wonderful.
I love this...so optimistic.
P.S. congratulations on winning the challenge this week : )
Just amazing!!
Great job with the rhyme scheme.
What amazes and awes me more... is
Churning out a poem a day. That's a feat and that's talent.
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