The very thought makes you lick your lips!
These are not your humdrum chips;
These are chips cooked by the sun;
Crisp and crunchy when they're done.
Your inner man will enjoy the food
And you'll find you're in a mellow mood
Because you've also helped the planet,
And that can't be a bad thing, can it?
The sun (unless it's in eclipse)
Will have helped to cook your chips.
And, while you're feeling mildly mellow
Enjoy the clever sign in yellow.
Mock shadows make us all look twice;
Really a very smart device.
So popping-out for a bag of chips
Has proved one of your most rewarding trips!

'The Revenant' by Andrew Wyeth.
I beg you, let me go.
We loved so long ago;
While you still live below.
I hover here.
Your longing holds me tight,
And yet the threads are slight,
I've gone beyond delight;
Beyond a tear.
Now what I long for most
Is freedom as a ghost,
And yet you daily boast
That love lives on.
Each time you sigh my name
In an eternal claim
It always is the same......
I can't be gone.
Accept that I am dead
And learn to live instead.
Break the unwanted thread
And let me fly.
Our love was of the earth,
Now it's of little worth;
Re-discover joy and mirth.
And let me die.
I long to pass the screen
You force to lie between
Freedom and love that's been
In our lost youth.
Embrace reality;
Don't sob and sigh for me,
I'm yearning to be free;
That is the truth.
I'm bored with my present state.
Unfinished! That's my fate,
And yet you recreate
Me every day!
By longing for the kiss
Which I no longer miss
You keep me from my bliss
And I must stay.
A revenant's fate is mine.
Please do not weep and pine
Love may have been divine
But say goodbye.
Then I may be set free
To be what I should be,
A thing of mystery.
Please let me die!
* A Revenant is an animated corpse!
Win some! Lose some! Our last play presentation was not the best. Firstly, I got the time wrong for picking-up Bev; then I couldn't find a decent parking spot; then my wrenched knee was hurting. Joy rang and told me she couldn't participate in today's show, so I had to, hastily, find a long skirt so that I could take her part! Luckily, this hid my elastic knee-bandage.......after all, I was acting the part of a beautiful young virgin! The audience was uninspired and we were uninspiring! Only Carole, our pianist, was delighted! She was able to play the beautiful grand piano, because we performed in the church. For some reason, this quite upset me. I haven't been to church for half a century, and I'm an atheist, but I suppose ones childhood upbringing never leaves one. And I couldn't help thinking how my father would have hated us performing our silly little play, complete with innuendos, in front of the altar! I felt really uncomfortable the whole time. We were overpaid for our feeble efforts, so I returned some of the money to the church funds to placate my conscience.
Uninspired, but ready to start!
The chips sound delicious and ecologically good ~ Love your poetry and you sound very creative and living a very active life ~ cheering you on ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^
Interesting post -- the church thing (childhood feelings die hard, even when we know better now!)....
the solar sign is very clever.
but I am sorry your performance was less than stellar
I loved this, perhaps also because I once made a print called LETTING GO. I wonder if it is all right to to look at photos now again - would that hinder the freedom that this poor ghost seeks?
the sign is wonderful
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