Thursday, October 4, 2012


                             Not me!

letter 'T'

We are told that a rule of this blog is to comment on the work of ten other writers!


I simply cannot visit TEN! Visiting three's my limit!
That order will take my enthusiasm, and, very efficiently, dim it!
I visit about ten blogs a day, pursuing poetic themes!
That would make a hundred! Not in my wildest dreams
Could I find time to comment on a hundred blogs a day!
I'm too busy writing poems to spend my life that way.
I also have a house to clean and 'him indoors' to feed!
Domestic bliss would disappear very fast indeed
If I spent all day commenting! And how could I run my group?
(We put on plays and travel round as an entertainment troop.)
I get about six comments each day, with which I'm satisfied,
So anything in excess of that is duty multiplied.
So, if your 'Ten' is a serious rule, with which we must comply,
I'll simply have to write these words.....'Thank you and goodbye'.
I can only promise that I'll do my very best
To comment on three writers and simply skim  the rest. 
I hope I'll get dispensation and be allowed to be
That odd woman from Australia who only comments on THREE!


A little house with blue paintwork on a friendly Australian street.......
I'll take step one into the city, Newcastle, hard to beat.
I'll retrace my steps to the immigrant ship which, long ago, brought me here;
It will take me back to South Africa, a country I hold dear.
A further step takes me to the ship I worked on, with fun on every hand
And back to the years in Rhodesia, then a green and pleasant land.
Now back to the bustle of London, where I first spread my wings,
Then  to my college in Brighton, and 'firsts' for so many things.
From thence to a beautiful village, full of historic charms
Then a further step into Wartime, with all its many alarms.
I'm very nearly home now, I'm at school, by the sea;
Back to the much-loved cousins and the joys of  family.
Then back, back, back to the cradle, with a sister, now long gone,
Yes, I'm back in Margate. What a lot to look back upon!
Walking backwards is pleasant; taking stock of each used-up year.
But I know where I'm happiest.....
It's here,
Right here.


Malcolm and I had a lovely day out with Max and Harry, our two young grandsons yesterday. We had a ride on the ferry over to Stockton and we enjoyed a lovely pizza lunch over there before ferrying home again. Summer suddenly arrived with a temperature of 31 degrees. October heat always exhausts me; I get used to summer as time goes on. But a lovely breeze was blowing off the river so it wasn't too bad.I was pleased with some of the photos I took of the two boys.

Waiting for the Ferry
Harry looking sultry.
Playing on the old anchor.
Cheeky as usual.
Max and Harry tree-climbing.
Here comes the ferry to take us home.


Lmkazmierczak said...

Lovely posts...I agree that sometimes I feel tied to the computer, just to comment♫...Balance, (more like having a cat to interrupt me for a break), is the goal♫♪

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love visiting my fellow students! I guess we are all different, but this is definitely one of my favorite stops on Thursday...

Heather said...

I love your honesty!!!

Anonymous said...

What cute little boys! What nice pictures.

Gattina said...

If I have time I try to comment on 10 blogs, but only those which are of interest to me. Otherwise I only answer those who comment on my blog. Your grandsons are cute !

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

To a certain point I agree with you on the ten-comment-rule, because I, too, have so much else to do. However, if we did not have this rule, I believe that hardly anyone would receive any comments at all. I am with Gattina - I open up about 10 posts, comment on those I really find interesting, skim the other and then return comments on my blog - I think that is fair.
Like your post, too :)

Saying 'hello' via Alphabe- Thursday - mine for letter 'T' @ ImagesByCW is about the Ticino / Valle Verzasca

lissa said...

I don't visit ten in one take, I spread out in several days which makes it easier but I know what you mean, sometimes three is probably easier.

anitamombanita said...

Ten or not, I love your poems. It IS hard to visit that many and comment...and sometimes I visit a site where I can find nothing, zilch, zip, nada to say...ugh, I hate that.

Jenny said...

You are fabulous!

I really, really, really love the way you write.

Go for it, girl.

Know your boundaries and stick with them!

We used to have an issue with people linking and not visiting anyone.

You are just fine!

I would miss your writing if you're weren't doing it.

And so would everyone else!

Thanks for linking!
