Monday, March 5, 2012


suggests the topic

(An Acrostic)

Search for me on Google!
Everything is there!
Ask and you'll be answered
Research without a care.
Children, adults, elderly!
Handy hints for you and me.

(The first line was the prompt.)

An old lady with spring her walk,
Had a voice which was more like a squawk!
When she shouted 'Good-morning!'
It was like some fog-horning,
And the people cried 'Don't let her talk!'*


Maude Lynn said...

I love the limerick!

Denise Moncrief said...

Loved the acrostic, but your limerick made me giggle. Nicely done.

Nita Jo said...

I came for the Sunday Scribblings piece, which I really enjoyed, but the bonus was the delightful limerick. It made me smile!

beeguiler said...

Fun!! Have a great week :)

Kat said...

Soon people would "Rinkle" to look for poems on everything under the sun..!!! :-)))

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Fun acrostic!

When I read your limerick based on a prompt, I first thought "Someone else is doing limerick prompts." Then I realized that prompt was from me a year ago. LOL! If only I had a memory. :)

Archna Sharma said...

A couple of really fun ones! I came for the Scribbles prompt and was treated to a clever little limerick, also.