Friday, May 18, 2012





A newborn human baby, setting out in life,
May be facing a life of pleasure, or, possibly, one of strife.
Baby animals, also, have no idea what's due;
It could be a great life in the wild, or else life in a zoo.
It's easy enough to criticise the life of a creature, caged;
When we hear of cruelty we're suitably enraged.
But take this little fellow, looking out of a 'human' cot.....
Maybe he's unhappy but maybe he is not.
He knows no other life-style, he's well-fed and adored
And he is not yet old enough to feel confined and bored.
Babies in his jungle home may be eaten by their foes,
Farmers may often shoot them, as everybody knows.
The 'natural' life's not heaven, although it's great to see
Mighty orangutans in the wild, swinging from tree to tree.
We have all been horrified by caged wild animals, pacing,
Imagining the horrors of the prison life they're facing,
But zoos these days are more humane; the creatures are given space.
Let's hope this little fellow grows up in a compatible place.


I don't tell everyone this,
So don't you pass it on.
My family may hear of it
And my cover will be gone.
I've a passion for all left-overs,
Provided they're not too old;
And I'm particularly partial
To hot food that's gone cold.
Last thing at night, before bed-time,
I  go on a cold-food-raid;
The house is full of shadows,
But I am not afraid.
The lure of some cold stir-fry
Is the greatest lure of all;
See me licking greedy lips
As I tiptoe down the hall!
If I chomp on a cold potato,
My pleasure is manifest.
There! I feel much better
Now that I've confessed!
Some people confess to murder,
Some people to multiple rape;
I merely admit to snaring
A potato that couldn't escape!


Annesphamily said...

Thoughtful post about being caged. Then you share your humor! I like the sweet photo you shared. You write really well. Come visit soon. Have a terrific weekend. Enjoyed my visit ere today.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Excellent Z post. Had to search for your blog because the linky said your page did not may want to redo it so folks can find you♫♪