asks us to write about addiction.
Please forgive my light-hearted approach if this subject is no laughing matter to you!
I had an addiction lurking for years and years and years;
But I didn't know it existed until now.
I saw other folk addicted but I never caught the bug;
My psyche simply didn't quite know how.
I tried to smoke a cigarette when I was just sixteen
But I spat it from my lips! That was enough!
So in all my many decades I've never ever smoked;
I've never ever had another puff.
A little later I tried alcohol, a white wine I recall;
I reeled back from the most unpleasant taste.
I'd never be a drunkard, that was very clear;
Though symptoms in my ancestors were traced.
I was never ever offered drugs, in any shape or form;
They weren't around in 1954.
I'm still completely innocent about Ecstasy and such;
I really can't imagine what it's for.
I hear that there are Sex-addicts; well I wasn't one of those!
It was just a pleasant pastime, now and again.
I can't imagine addicts, female ones I mean,
Who simply cannot get enough of men!
As for a gambling addiction; that also passed me by;
Just five dollars on the Melbourne Cup for me.
No, it must be admitted that I was squeaky-clean;
I was a nasty little prig, addiction-free.
Blogging came and found me and I wallowed in its charms;
And I never will get free, that's my prediction.
It took me until eighty to discover that I'm weak.
I'm confessing to a cyberspace addiction!
Once I needed training wheels,
But now I know just how it feels.
Whizzing round and round the track,
Whizzing there and coming back.
This shot was taken years ago
When I was rather young and slow.
Now you should see me riding past,
All grown-up and very fast!
Soon I'll ride way out of sight
Maybe at the speed of light!
Bye-bye Grandma! I can't stay!
Boys move on.
Grandmas just stay.
Ditto; plus others.
Thank you for contributing to Free Write Friday and for bringing some great humor to the subject. Hope to see u next week. Hugs!
Very clever take on addiction - I too am an internet junkie!
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