Sunday, July 24, 2011


Six words, six lines.
Topic 'Love'.

(An Acrostic)

Love is a very tiny word
Often it seems to go unheard.
Various types of true love exist.
Every sort should not be missed.
Little old ladies, babes in arms
Yearn to experience true love's charms.


Mother's Little Helper! Does that ring a bell?
Were you addicted to the drug? Not telling? ......Very well.
'The Age of Anxiety' brought it on. It was 1963
And ladies swallowed it by the tonne so they could be worry-free.
The name is derived from 'being strong' (that was Latin, of course)
And for twenty years 'the helper' was a really potent force.
Were the children getting you down? Did you feel depressed?
Were you menopausal? And, you know, all the rest?
Pop a pill! Lie down for a bit! And life would look good again.
A last you'd feel able to cope with kids, the dinner, and awkward men.
Barbara Gordon wrote a book.....'I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can!'
After that a decline in popularity began.
For she told of her addiction! How the pill was no solution!
She lost her mind and ended up in a mental institution!
Various celebrities soon owned-up after that
Though many, many, many more just kept it under their hat!
Tinkering with the brain creates more problems than it cures.
Sadly the urge to 'pop a pill' is an urge that still endures.

Sorry, Joy! None of the photos of Betty's party turned out well! The lighting wasn't right! See you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

amazing creativity.

How are you?

Welcome join us for week 6 short story slam fun,

Bless you..

Keep it up!

Rachelle said...

I love that you've added the element of acrostic to 6/6. And yes, we yearn for the charms of love.

Anonymous said...

Wow - I really enjoyed your poetry. It's got me thinking. :) Thank you.

Melissa Camara Wilkins said...

Everybody needs some kind of love, oh yes.

Thanks for joining us! :)