Definitely not prosaic,
This work of art, a school mosaic.
It's tells the tale of a special place,
And there are details can trace.
I can see our sea and sandy beach;
Not far away; within easy reach.
I see the pelicans in the sky,
I see the traffic driving by.
I see a plane about to land
And pleasant houses on every hand.
I see the Cathedral and swimming-pool
And I think I can see the local school.
And that is where I saw it all........
Proudly displayed on a red brick wall.

'What a wonderful bird is the pelican!
It's beak can hold more than its belly can!'
It's a rhyme which I learned in my youth
With its own biological truth!
My rhymes tend to be quite verbose!
On words I sometimes overdose!
I frequently get self-indulgent
With beautiful words like 'effulgent!
And I often get carried away
With the words that I'm eager to say.
But that little verse that now I quote
Is as short as a quickly-scrawled note!
It says all we need know of the bird
With a modicum use of The Word!
I must learn from this silly quotation
And give more precise information!
I see the pelicans in the sky,
I see the traffic driving by.
I see a plane about to land
And pleasant houses on every hand.
I see the Cathedral and swimming-pool
And I think I can see the local school.
And that is where I saw it all........
Proudly displayed on a red brick wall.

'What a wonderful bird is the pelican!
It's beak can hold more than its belly can!'
It's a rhyme which I learned in my youth
With its own biological truth!
My rhymes tend to be quite verbose!
On words I sometimes overdose!
I frequently get self-indulgent
With beautiful words like 'effulgent!
And I often get carried away
With the words that I'm eager to say.
But that little verse that now I quote
Is as short as a quickly-scrawled note!
It says all we need know of the bird
With a modicum use of The Word!
I must learn from this silly quotation
And give more precise information!
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