Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Loo with a View!



I wonder who could possibly guess
This vantage point and its address!
A circular window designed for views:
A lake designed for an evening cruise!
Surely I must be somewhere smart
Where turrets and windows play a part!
There's not the slightest indication
That I'm in a room at the Woy Woy station!
And what a room! Just one of many
Where people go to 'spend a penny'!
Whatever epithets others choose,
Australians call such places loos!
One sits at one ease in this fair 'loo'
And they don't charge anything for the view!

A very different view here:


quilly said...

I am a visual thinker. Enough said?

eileeninmd said...

What a view from the loo? Is this loo the same as the British meaning of the loo.
How funny!

Coffeedoff said...

Very nice view from the loo!

Anonymous said...

You have such a delightful sense of humour! :)

Mona Sweden said...

I would really like to have such an wiew from my loo! Funny and suitable poem.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Very fun!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How funny! One time we stayed in an old hotel in Vancouver BC where we could view the cityscape from the clawfoot bathtub (on a high floor -- I don't think it was opposite anybody else's window ;>)). It was a cheap hotel but we've never had such a fun city view and will always remember it.

Cindy said...

Great view and wonderful poetry! Hugs, Cindy from Canada