Precious moment on the beach;
Father and son, united,
Looking for treasures in the pools.
Has a crab been sighted?
Little feet on slippery rocks.
It takes a bit of nerve.
Neither of them has noticed
That nearby perfect curve.

What is this life, if, full of care
And wondering if a title's there,
We can't drift round with searching looks
Among the old and dusty books?
If we can't leaf through the yellowing pages
Of novels written in past ages,
And see, on the inside of the cover,
The signature of a former lover,
Lover of books of every kind,
To warm the heart and feed the mind?
Computers never, for all their power,
Will serve us such a shining hour
As that spent with the wit and lore
That we may find in an old book store.
Great photo of the sea, rocks and people. It looks like a nice place to explore.
A wonderful capture of the father and son. I would like to be there looking for treasures in the pools too. I enjoyed your post and poem. Have a Happy weekend!
Fine poem, the first one. Great pic also.
I love getting seafood/shell food. But these days with the polluted water, I don't harvest them any more.
I remember not so long ago, there were lots of blue crab washed up in South Australian beach. But my bro says, no meat, not worth picking them. We love the big Aussie mud crab. If you know where they are, tell me. I will fly staright over.
That is a perfect curve and a beautiful coastal scene.
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