asks us to use the three words in blue
Can I forgive that breach of faith
That shattered my poor heart?
I had begun to live again,
And make another start.
We said goodbye to one another
Knowing it was for ever.
The bonds that had seemed firm and strong
You decided to sever.
Now you return expecting flames
To rise from a dying ember,
Reminding me of loving times
That are painful to remember.
How dare you think I'll take you back,
As though you never left!
Your faithlessness destroyed my life
I was shattered and bereft.
Your tentative approaches
Make a mockery of the past.
How can I ever trust you?
Surely this time it wont last.
Surely I cannot consider
A life with such a man!
But, funny, seeing you standing there.....
I can.

'She looks back over her shoulder';
Oh what a chilling phrase!
For it's not the things we see in front
That haunt our nights and days.
It's always the 'thing' that slyly creeps
Behind us that we fear;
The footstep stopping when we stop,
Yet moving ever near.
The hairs on our neck tell the story;
They rise as the 'thing' draws nigh;
We turn, but we cannot see it.
It is clever, it is sly.
We don't fear the road we're treading,
Or whatever may lie ahead;
It's that which lurks behind us
That fills us all with dread.
'She looks back over her shoulder';
I wonder what she will find....
A fiend? A ghost? A killer?
Or her own over-fevered mind?
I really enjoyed both of your poems... as always, you rhyme with such seeming ease that I hardly notice the 3WW words.
those embers you rake them over the coals and sometimes they swiftly burn bright and high even while you are trying to put out the flames
I enjoyed both of these -- the twist at the end of the first one gave me a wry grin.
You did a great job with rhyme and message. Hard to believe this was a response to a three word prompt!
another creative showcase.
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