In days gone by the little children
Gazed at picture-books.
They could tell an artist's work
By the artificial looks.
I never, for one moment, puzzled
Over illustrations;
They were, clearly, quite unreal,
Portraying situations
Which pretended to happen in Fairyland,
Or underneath the sea.
A line was very clearly drawn
Between them and reality.
Now, however, the fantasies
Seem like the genuine article;
The digitisation has progressed
To every little particle,
So that only an adult can, at once,
Recognise the sleight of hand;
We seem to have an era
Of reality on demand.
But I wonder about the children,
The ones of three or four,
Who gaze at videos and such,
Which most of them adore.
Take the picture up above;
It appears to speak the truth,
And I wonder how I'd have looked at it
If I'd seen it in my youth.
Would I have seen a photograph
Of somebody in mid-air
Held up by a bright bunch of balloons,
Seemingly dangling there?
And would I have thought it possible,
A delightful thing to do,
And would I have thought that, one day,
I'd like to do it too?
Imagination is wonderful,
To be encouraged in all,
But I worry about the children;
How do they see it all?

So many times when little boys are asked to give a smile,
They make a face, or bare their teeth or giggle all the while.
'Look natural!' we say to them, and they grimace even more,
Looking more unnatural than they ever did before!
But someone captured Harry when he was unaware,
Posing very naturally and gently swinging there.
I love this unposed photograph so I introduce to you
Harry, my little Grandson, my little Boy in Blue.
Our Probus choir entertained at a Retirement Centre today. It's brand new, having replaced one at which we used to sing in years gone by. It's called Scenic Lodge. It's all very modern and has glorious views but we all felt it was too enclosed, which we didn't much like!
This will give you some idea. I couldn't get outside to photograph the view!
Alf Taylor sang as our soloist and here he is with Pam and Betty.
And here are Barbara and Jane hamming it up.
Digital dreaming... so true, I wonder how they see things too!
What a lovely unposed picture, they're had to get. I know if a camera is pointed at me I go all stiff with a stuck top lip smile!
He looks a lovely boy :o)
You raise a very valid question! 'in an age of reality shows'. I really enjoyed your poem. I've often wondered, with everything kids are exposed to if it contributes to depression and suicide. Everything is geared to be sensational! at what cost? I knew , when I was a kid that fairies, ghosts, goblins, princesses, were fantasy. To have it explained to me would have seemed ridiculous! Thank-you for a very entertaining and thought-provoking poem. Much wisdom woven in these beautiful lines!
p.s. Your grandson is beautiful. I chuckled as I read this poem...how often has my son tried to 'look normal' beneath the pleading of mom or sisters? Poor guy, the harder he tries the sweeter his dilemma:)
lovely photo of Harry- sweet.
What a beautiful post! Your family is lovely. That top graphic is really enchanting. It makes me want to write a story about it, too!
lovely poem. how much we would love to go back to childhood innocence. this world would truly be wonderful if we start looking at everything with a child's view.
I often wonder how the brains of children who grew up on video games are different than ours. My contribution http://zongrik.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/nighttime-triolet/
What an interesting completion to the photo prompt. Now you have me wondering about all the fantasy things the kids see now. I hope they are as astute as you were as a child and they know what is real.Great job!
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