Monday, August 9, 2010

Dalai Charmer

Press Photograph


Here is a famous person, a very genial fellow,
Dressed in his traditional robes of richest red and yellow.
Mine is a surface knowledge, mainly from TV,
But the Dalai Lama's a kindly man, or so he seems to me.
And I find I'm constantly marvelling at the fact that he came to power
Just because he was born somewhere at exactly the right hour!
To think one plunged into world-wide fame, without qualifications,
Can handle himself so very well in difficult situations!
He always has a smiling face, he always has a quip,
He keeps his calm at all times and never loses his grip!
I call him The Dalai Charmer, a trivial term, I agree.
But the Dalai Lama's a kindly man or so he seems to me.



When Charlie Chaplin was a boy
I doubt if he ever had a toy.
His family was poor as poor;
He little knew what was in store!
Of course, he never realised
That he'd be honoured, idolised,
And that his baggy little Tramp
Would be a film star and a champ.
So, when everybody knew his name
And he was wallowing in fame,
This very simple little toy
Delighted Charlie, the little boy.


Liz said...

What a great image.

Happy Mellow Yellow Monday!

Liz @ MLC

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Bella foto del Dalai Lama !
Meraviglioso uomo di pace.
Foto veramente indovinata per questo lunedì in giallo.
Buona giornata.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful post and pic's. Your poems are always great. Happy MYM!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

So Charlie became a toy for everyone. What a great thing to do.

Did Dalai Lama come to Australia?

Stephanie V said...

Two very different men. Both so influential in similar ways - they make us happy.

Ricepatty said...

When you think "mellow" you definetly think of Dalai Lama :)

Kim, USA said...

Love that shot!!

Mellow Yellow Monday

Ann said...

Hi just dropped by to say hello from the UK and loved your photograph link to Yellow

Maggie said...

Very clever poem, the Dalai Charmer, a mellow man indeed.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...


Anonymous said...

The poems are wonderful. What great subjects to write about!

Lola said...

Love that shot too - and great poem!

Happy AlphabeThursday


PS Mine this time is OVER HERE! Hope you can join me.

Unknown said...

Interesting post and such contrast too! Love your choice of subject for the color yellow :)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love the poems and the photos...

Happy yellow day!

Sarah said...

Enjoyed your poem. The Dalai Lama seems a kindly man to me too.

Susan Anderson said...

The Dalai Charmer! I love it...

Well done. On both poems.



I love the little poem! Great post!

signed...bkm said...

Yes he always has a smile on his face....he is a blessing to a crazy world....charming post...bkm

Teresa said...

Love the poetry. I love you found a picture of the Dali Lama with a yellow umbrella!

Jenny said...


What lovely words and pictures to delight us on our trip to Alphabe-Thursdays Rainbow Summer School.

I really enjoyed seeing you here.

It was fun to read your work.


Lmkazmierczak said...

Loved both rhymes ♫♪

jfb57 said...

I've never met him but share your view - I'm sure he is a charmer!

Judie said...

Two of my favorite people BB!!!!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh these are both great!

anitamombanita said...

You just have a knack for these. Another round well done!