letter 'S'
At first I thought 'it' was Barbie!
But no, she's really real!
She's a human-being
Who can laugh and sing and feel!
All of us know the sensation
When a waist-band's a bit too tight;
We enjoy the release from 'bondage'
When we go to bed at night.
Imagine how this lady
Feels when she swallows a pea!
It must feel like a boulder;
A real monstrosity.
Her innards must be squashed-up
Like sardines in a tin.
Supposing she feels like some pudding!
How will she get it in?
This is my idea of ridiculous.
Whatever will she do
If, one day, she bends down quickly
And simply snaps in two?

Spring, the sweet Spring
Is the year's pleasant king'!
Oh dear! Somebody said that before!
Oh well, he was right!'
When it's sunny and bright
The phrase has a definite ring!
Say, what's the best fun? It's
Pursuing the punnets
To make sure that the garden's ablaze!
Be sure you can collar
Some blooms for a dollar
And prepare for some colourful days.
I have always felt forced and artificial slimming is a Silly idea.
Pheno, ABCW Team
I know guys love the bust/waist/hip ratio to be pleasing, but that's absurd!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Ewe, yikes! An hour-glass figure gone berserk! Sensational Rhymes!
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