suggests the topic
Six letters; six lines; six syllables.
(And an Acrostic)
Suddenly you are broke
And that is just no joke.
Value each little cent
It need not yet be spent.
Never waste your spare cash;
Guard money! Don't be rash!

I've never won a trophy in my life!
And the time for winning trophies has long gone.
Even though I've been 'The World's First Super-Wife',
There's been no little mug to write it on!
How I've envied all the winners that I've met,
With their shelves packed tight with tokens of success!
It's been my lot to merely gaze and fret
Considering my awful lowliness.
They didn't give out trophies for the girl
Who no-one ever wanted on their team!
Who couldn't leap or dive or toss or hurl,
And who toppled off the lowest balance-beam!
The 'Booby Prize' was only that in name;
There never was a trophy presentation!
I merely hung my head and burned with shame
Brooding about my woeful situation.
But they tell me trophies have to be preserved!
To keep them bright demands some elbow-greasing!
The winners of the past must be un-nerved
When their trophy-care continues on un-ceasing!
I see them now..... all polishing and buffing
To keep their rows of trophies shiny bright!
They're old now, so they're huffing and they're puffing,
With silver-polish, morning, noon and night!
I'd hate to have to get up every day
To continue with the toil of preservation!
I'd rather live my life the Losers' way
Enjoying lots of old-age relaxation!
And so ends an unusually hectic week! I had a Choir Performance, a Poetry 'gig', a country outing and two Melodrama performances all in one week. Yesterday we were at a place called Marylands, where we performed 'Pirate Pie', one of our sillier offerings. The lay-out of the hall etc, wasn't as ideal as Monday's, but everything still went with a swing. I had thought the play might prove too short for the club's requirements and so I'd organised a quiz revolving round the Sea Shanties we sang, plus prizes. However, the hall had to be vacated before this had been fully organised so that was rather shambolic and I wont attempt it again. We live and learn.
Here is a shot showing our faithful pianist, Carole, who drags her instrument to various venues, in spite of having a very painful shoulder.
This rather rotund gentleman won this gaudy tie in the musical quiz. There's nothing quite as good as ones 'second childhood' in my opinion!
ooh, to avoid squandering money. And I love that gaudy tie ;-)
It's funny, isn't it, how we never think we're wasting money as we spend it? After the fact, though, that's another story!
On PS: I loved the photos!
Nicely done!
Your acrostics are
Easily the jauntiest posts
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