asks us to be inspired by an illustration of a girl in a bubble bath
I changed the illustration
asks us to be inspired by an illustration of a girl in a bubble bath
I changed the illustration
Peruse the picture up above
And I know that you will find
That this is the view of the Bubble Bath
You carry in your mind.
You see yourself dunking your weary frame
In a mass of silver bubbles,
That will wash-away all the dirt and grime
And relieve you of all your troubles.
You see yourself immersing
In a sort of fairy cloud.
You'll see yourself going in sad and drear
And emerging bright and proud.
Perfumes of Arabia
Will soothe your pampered skin
As the bubbles, in a sensual way,
Tickle you on the chin.
You know you'll lie there transported
Feeling no woe or doubt.
And you'll choose the really glamorous bits
You 'accidentally' stick out.
You'll imagine a visit from a lover,
Who will stand transfixed and gape
At your tantalising loveliness
And your half-hidden shape.
You imagine the water down below
All warm and soft and glowing........
Ah, but wait, consider this,
The bits above that are showing!
They'll feel all chilly and semi-wet;
This will make you feel uneasy.
The warmth below will exaggerate
The top, where it's cold and breezy.
The bubbles will cool and start to burst
In cold 'snaps' around your frame!
Your toes emerging un-manicured
Will cover you with shame.
You'll lose the soap in the bathtub
And then you'll have to bend
Way down into the bubbles!
Will your troubles never end?
You'll be grovelling for the lost soap
With your rear-end in the air
When the gorgeous 'lover' enters.
Life really isn't fair!
Ladies! Quit your dreaming!
Leave your ivory tower!
It's very much safer and nicer
To have a short, sharp shower!

Simple Alphabet
There once was a pretty flamingo
Who pretended that he was a dingo
He looked the right shape
But one couldn't escape
From the fact that he failed at the lingo!
SO true about the bubble-bath, Brenda. I have a nice deep bathtub, which I use for showering!
Love your limerick. Two rhymes for flamingo—can only happen in Australia.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
lovely creation,
love the image you picked yourself, smiles.
a cool take.
love the bubble bath
Love this... so very true :-)
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