'erode, heart, observe'
Some things just quietly erode;
There's no explosive dying.
The iron that rusts, the flower that dies,
The knot that is untying.
When I observe your closed-in face,
And hear the words unspoken,
I know that love has fled your life
I know a heart's been broken.
Some may weep and cry aloud
Exulting in their anguish;
But yours is a hidden sorrow.
In loneliness you languish.

A dish of cloud,
The finest white filigree,
Ready to receive the great egg of the sun.
Great use of the three word prompt. So relatable.
Another great poem from you rinkly rimes! But oh so sad. Do you think its the natural conclusion from the word "erode"?
How sad the person must be in your 3WW prompt. Such loneliness and not able to share it.
Love the Filigree, beautiful.
Wise words!
"Some things just quietly erode;
There's no explosive dying.
The iron that rusts, the flower that dies,
The knot that is untying."
I love that - no explosive dying, very well said.
and 'filigree' is just so beautiful!
I enjoyed my visit here. :-)
both exceptional poems though I must profess I love the first one best.
Hidden Sorrow is really well done. Sad and perceptive piece.
Lovely rhyming poem. Echoes how I
handle my feelings at times.
The poem is quiet like soft eroding.
Your usual expert use of poesie...
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