Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A Scrapbooking Sample from Tracey Howard.



Our ancestors sewed samplers, often by candle-light;
Their eyes were often damaged as they tried to get things right.
They neatly sewed the current date, they often gave their name;
They even stitched quotations by the flickering candle-flame.
They embroidered little pictures, and added favourite flowers,
Spending time with thread and needle in the quiet evening hours.
These samplers are now treasured for their workmanship and charm,
Framed on many a family wall, in cottage, house and farm.
And these same long-dead ladies pressed flowers between pages
For descendants to romance about down through the passing ages;
Roses from a lover, probably begging pardon
For some stolen kiss he'd snatched in the leafy garden!
Such keepsakes mean the world to those who live their lives long after;
They give a hint of happy days, filled with joy and laughter.
Though life today is hectic, computerised and fast,
So different from the lives of girls who made memories in the past,
Yet still we yearn to leave our mark on a future we won't see;
How can we do it when our lives are linked to modernity?
Scrapbooking is the answer. This craft now takes that place,
Allowing a modern version of charm and creative grace.
Above see Tracey's celebration of her son's new car.
The page is strong and masculine befitting such a star!
Among her other pages are delicate, girlish themes,
Capturing her daughters' far less mechanised dreams.
So, if by chance it's a pleasant hobby for which you find you're looking,
You may very well have found it when you set-about Scrapbooking.

I have recently been introduced to 
MyMemories Scrapbooking Site 

I haven't got a 'crafty' bone in my body! I'm too busy writing poems. But I found myself intrigued with the concept of Scrapbooking and so I have decided to make my first foray into advertising with this product, which is 
The MyMemories Scrapbook Suit Software
Take a look at it at

 I felt myself to be utterly inadequate to place a review of the product in question, but I have been lucky enough to meet the daughter of a friend, Tracey Howard, who is an excellent Scrapbooker, as you can see from the example above. She was intrigued with the idea of digital scrapbooking software and happy to comment. She thought the variety of ideas was excellent, but the remark which stayed in my mind was 'The best thing is that it would be as useful to a beginner as to an expert'. So it seems it would be a great gift for a young person looking for a pastime.

If you wish to purchase this software you may use my Code STMMM597809 when ordering.
 This will give you a reduction of $10 in the price, as well as a $10 token for further purchases.

I have also decided to run a competition......my first!

If you comment on the poem I have written about Scrapbooking, above, even adversely, I will allocate your comment a number and I will then use a Random Number program to choose a winner. The winner will be allocated a Code, similar to mine, so that he or she can claim a free copy of the software. This is worth approximately $40 so it is no mean prize. I will be putting a link to this page on my other poetry pages throughout this week but only comments about the Scrapbooking poem will be included in the competition. The competition will close next Monday evening(Australian time).

As well as this I will write a series of poems, to the claimant's specifications (names, dates, places etc) for the winner to use when Scrapbooking. There will be no charge for this.

I am writing this while America sleeps, so I reserve the right to correct any mistakes pointed out to me when MyMemories wakes up!



carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photo and very creative ~ Great for RT ~ thanks,thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Kim, USA said...

Oh yeah I remember that feeling too. I should make a scrapbook too. ^_^

Ruby Red Tuesday

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I don't want the sampler, I want the red car. LOL

Great job, and don't ruin your eyes.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I don't have any craft bones in my body either, but I sort of envy the people who do!


I’ve nothing to give but my heart and head;
No colors have I but yellow and red.

Please take what I give as tokens of peace:
And with these small gifts may your joy increase!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Red Temple Altar

Roan said...

I have finished a couple of scrapbooking projects. Well, really it was to get rid of all those boxes of memorabilia I've saved for my kids over the years. But it was fun. However, I'm thinking digital scrapbooking would be the way to go.

Absolutely love the poem, as always. I'm not a poet, I love writing fiction, but I always want to try poetry after visiting your blog.

Halcyon said...

A great choice for Ruby Tuesday. Love that fancy red car. :)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love the car! I don't have time for another hobby, so please don't enter me in the giveaway. I'd rather see someone who could use it win it!



EG CameraGirl said...

Digital scrapbooking does sound interesting!

21 Wits said...

Any and all scrapbooking is something special made by someone who cares! Rock on!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I like the first car idea. I have My Memories but rarely use it; I hope you find it easier than me.

Anonymous said...

I really like your layout!

Maggie said...

I like Tracy's LO, very much and your poem is perfect for scrap bookers everywhere.
Like me!

anitamombanita said...

Awesome poem. I'm not a scrapbooker...too busy being a blogger...haha... but that's a great post and a generous offer for a giveaway. Sounds like fun!

Splendid Little Stars said...

I do like scrapbooking, or rather did. Because I haven't done any in way too long.

fun poem and so true about how past generations spent their "crafting" time and the keepsakes they treasured.

Jenny said...

This is Such a Sweet poem, you are So Savvy with words...

And I think the Scrap-book page is perfect for remembering her Son's first car!

Thanks for linking a great post for the letter "S"!


Unknown said...

So fun. I've always wanted to scrapbook and I've tried on occasion but I'm not so crafty either so it's never a good result and I get too bored with it then... LOL