Terrance Osborne
Corners are always just slightly exciting;
Whether coming or going, there's something inviting.
Turn round a corner and see a fresh view;
There is a vista, surprising and new.
Stand at a corner and see someone leaving;
He disappears, and you just stand there, grieving.
Hide around one and you'll feel quite secure;
You'll truly escape your 'bete noir' there, for sure.
Corners, believe me, were never invented!
They simply built walls and then corners presented!
Nobody needs them; they're no use at all;
They simply result from inventing The Wall.

Brenda Bryant
One feels that life's a gentle thing
When the Powers That Be take the trouble
To build an extra little bridge,
Making the crossing double.
The higher bridge is for traffic,
The lower one for fishing!
Would that all of life were as civilised!
Oh well! Only wishing.
What a great day. I was compere for a variety show today. I'd never compered before but t was great fun, just saying the first thing that came into my head. And the performers were excellent. On top of that, Annette, who stood-in for Carole last year when we put-on our play (Carole had her hand operated on) has agreed to stand-in for her this year, when poor old Carole has to have shoulder surgery. All the result of years and years playing in a dance band!
Jenni (who also played the guitar) sang ballads with Alf.Annette hammed it up for 'All I Want is a Room Somewhere'.
This photo is for Rebecca. It shows me just setting-off for the concert. Becca gave me the hand-bag yesterday and I had my doubts about the hot pink colour. (It must have showed in my face as she told me I could change it if I wanted to). I wear a lot of red and I could see it clashing. However, when I was dressed for the concert today I realized it went well with navy and white. I love it, Becca!
Incidentally, the 'red' white and blue effect seems just right for today.
The Queen inherited the crown 60 years ago today.
I remember it well.
I remember it well.
Rule Britania!
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