Monday, January 17, 2011

Para Normal!

The place to find VERY short stories!


I'm effeminate, it's true!
But see what a parasol can do!
You call me a sissy but I win through
By stabbing my parasol at you!



It's odd how people differ in their passions and desires!
It's strange how quite a humdrum thing can light a person's fires!
To me this is 'a yellow car', and ,really, quite a bore!
But Malcolm saw this recently and to him it means much more.,
And, since then, he's been sort of vague, with a look of desperation!
The need to own a 'Spitfire' enters every conversation!
I say 'It's just a car.' but he has quite a different view.
Supposing he goes and buys it! Whatever will I do?
I'll have to do some drooling and pretend that I can see
Something more than a vehicle that goes from A to B!
Now Poetry's a different thing, quite worthy of obsession
It's obvious I'm quite normal when I have a writing session!
But cars! My goodness! They're just things that happen to have wheels!
I'm afraid I'll never really know exactly how he feels!


Sylvia K said...

That'll teach them about parasols!!! Great take, Brenda, as always! Have a lovely week!


Fay Campbell said...

Beware of sissies with parasols! funny.

Peggy said...

Wow, very good.
Bet the parasol tip would hurt too!
See you next time!

Jim said...

Hey RR, a fine little rhyming story. :)

Wonder now, did he shake his pinky too?
Have you been missing me on OSI? I've been pretty busy lately. Too busy for a retired fellow.
I have the love of my life in our garage. It is a 1950 Ford Deluxe Tudor. Mrs. Jim wishes I would get it ready for the road.

quilly said...

A gay samurai fighting with a parasol! I love the concept!

Kay L. Davies said...

Love your parasol poem, Brenda, and I must admit I think the yellow car is kinda cute. I wouldn't be able to get down into the seat or, if I did that, I couldn't get up out of it!
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Susan Fobes said...

I enjoyed your poem and appreciated the laugh!

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

oh wow, you wrote a poem, I wondered if anyone would try it. Very nice poem, you are good.

Karen said...

Love the pride! Samurai who weilds parasol is just as good as the one who weilds his katana! :>

And microfiction whipped into a poem...most definitely makes me smile! :>:>

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Can't tell a book by its cover, and that parasol seems to do the trick, battle-wise. Nice MF!

jabblog said...

Never underestimate a man who's not afraid to express his 'feminine side'.
I like the Yellow Peril, too - I remember them the first time around :-/

Diane said...

Lovely rhythm in your MM. Great job :O)

Anonymous said...

no sissy would brandish an umbrella...

nice one

Cad said...

Call me sissy at your peril!

Grandma's Goulash said...

Parasol defense? Surprised he didn't have a slice of quiche in his other hand! Enjoyed your take on this one.

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