Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Cardacious!



It really would be very hard
To find a more quirky business-card!
A plastic surgeon, dealing in busts,
Saw this card as one of his 'musts'.
Now, when you're rummaging through a drawer,
And saying 'Oh! What's this thing for?'
You will easily recall
That your bust is much too small,
Or, alternatively, too large,
Rather like the front of a barge!
And you'll say 'Now there's a great idea!
What luck I found this reminder here!
I'd forgotten all about my size!
Now's the time to perfectionise!'
With just that little bit of urgin'
You'll rush off to the plastic surgeon.
Then you'll find that, quick as a wink,
Your mammary glands are in the pink!


The local Garden Club invited me as a guest.
(If I'd been quizzed on gardening I wouldn't have passed the test!)
No, I was asked to read poems about the gardener's lot,
And I had to leaf through old poems to see what I had got.
The garden itself was lovely, the flowers a great display,
The members very welcoming; all in all, a lovely day.
But on a whitewashed wall I spied these relics from long ago.
Intriguing and attractive, hanging high and hanging low.
I thought they were a great idea; I 'clicked' and that was that.
And below see me reading poems in a shady gardening hat!



LV said...

Enjoyed my visit and reading your neat post.

Marti McClure said...

That business card is hilarious, as is your commentary! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

Self Sagacity said...

That was fun. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Pink Saturday.