Wednesday, November 10, 2010




There once was an amorous rabbit
Who had an unfortunate habit.
He'd give one quick glance,
Do an impromptu dance,
Say 'Thanks for the chance' and just grab it!

One from the past for good measure.


How many hopeful gentlemen have gone to Redhead Beach,
Hoping to meet a girl with auburn hair?
And how many men have drifted home despondent and downcast
Because they didn't find a red-head there?
Only three percent of humanity is blessed with russet locks,
And most of them are braw redheaded Celts,
With a sprinkling of freckles, an aversion to the sun,
And a good old haggis tucked beneath their belts!
Most have fiery tempers and are passionate as well;
One could almost say that they are quite mercurial.
This description suits them whatever sex they be,
Whether the name is Malcolm or it's Muriel!
Some famous names will come to mind; Ginger Rogers, Danny Kaye,
Greer Garson, Rita Hayworth, Lucille Ball,
Woody Allen, Spencer Tracey, Nicole Kidman, Clara Bow......
They were famous and, indeed, were red-heads all.
But see the sign above which has a girl with auburn hair
Coaxing young men to dally in the sun!
I'd say that it's false advertising! All the men will find
Is a pinkish cliff!
 And Redheads? Not a one!


Darlene said...

Ass always, very cute rhymes.

Anonymous said...

We looked after too such cute rabbits when the kids were little, long story short - they turned out to be boys instead of girls. Never have the words "Backs against the wall" had more meaning.
I am enjoying your alphabet posts.

Judie said...

I have a reference to a rabbit in my post. Unfortunately it is not particularly romantic.

Donnie said...

That was fun to read. Cute rhymes.

Unknown said...

What fun!
I love your rhymes!
The rabbit and the redhead poems are perfect for R-week! Good images too.
Best wishes,
Anna's AT-rd-2-R: 'R is for Red Jewellery'

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


Anonymous said...

Both poems are such fun! The should hire a red haired lifeguard to man the beach.

Susan Freeman said...

What fun and a high point of my day!!

Susan and Bentley

mle said...

Haha! very cute : )
My girls have some O'Brien in them but all they have are red highlights at best lol

Susan Anderson said...

Both of these made me smile.


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Rascally wrabbits and ravishing red heads!

Unknown said...

Hee. Too cute :)

Jenny said...

What a really fun stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "R".

Love both poems.

Thanks for the smile!

Thanks for linking.



Cute bunnies! Cute rhymes too!

Ei8ht Beach Street said...

Love your prose, it's so much fun to read. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks.

Vicki/Jake said...

Romantic Rabbits and Ravishing:)

VBR said...

Love the ryhmes and the photos. The rabbits are adorable. And, as for red hair, it is a coveted passion of mine (who was given mousey brown instead.)

21 Wits said...

You always make me laugh! Thanks for being you!

4kids, 2 guinea pigs, 1 happy family said...

Love the poems.
Think you must have been writing about our rabbit!

Anonymous said...

This was such a fun read!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Oh so cute on both!

Gattina said...

Rabbits and redheads, lol ! what a combination !

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How cute! Thanks for the smile today!

anitamombanita said...

hahah...cute. we have a rabbit. he'd have grabbed a chance with anyone and anything he could have had we not had him neutered. Now he's just cute and fat! :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Loved your poems and the one about redheads was fun.

Anonymous said...

Lots of fun.
Very well done.

Jenny said...

Remarkably well written...

I love the Redhead one especially.... And it's not because of my adorable red-headed grands either...

The Rabbit poem is Really cute too...

Great posts for the letter "R",

Thanks for linking.
