Tuesday, November 2, 2010



There was a young lady from Welling,
Who, it seemed, was addicted to yelling.
Her neighbours, who knew it,
Said 'Why do you do it?'
But she simply yelled 'I'm not telling!'

And an old letter 'Y' for good measure.


I'm addicted to the second-hand, the bargain and the snip,
A Yard Sale may be far away but I yearn to make a trip.
To rummage through another's 'stuff' is tantamount to bliss.
Even though you'll sometimes hear me mutter 'Fancy selling this!'
The wares look full of promise when they're piled-up on the floor,
Even though I'm never really certain what I'd use them for.
I'm hopelessly impractical, but I've got imagination;
My husband tends to shy away with a look of indignation
When I say 'Oh look! A broken lamp! You could fix that quick as lightening!'
I get a smouldering sort of glance that's really rather frightening.
' How about that little chair? You could fix the broken seat!'
Or 'That just needs a lick of paint! You could make it look quite sweet!'
I even try dishonesty, saying 'I only wish that I
Were capable of fixing things! But I can't although I try!'
He knows I never try at all; I'm much too busy writing!
The world of paint and screwdriver has never been inviting.
So we've got an awful lot of stuff that's cluttering up the place;
I believe the area in the roof's an absolute disgrace!
So many good intentions (those jobs with him in mind)
That anything that's really ours is always hard to find.
'We must get rid of this rubbish!' he is inclined to wail.
'I know! I've got a great idea!

Let us have our own Yard Sale!'


Jane said...

Too funny!

Lost in thoughts said...

actually i have my neighbor who always yells...i know the reason though...
Nice one.

Y for yes -

Shalmalee.... said...

haha...thats a cute poem....
FYI: i love yard sales too :)

Vinay Leo R. said...

Rinkly, this is fun! You bring the light heartedness to the challenge :) good to read, and I'm yelling a "Well Done" ;)

Anonymous said...

These are so fun! I enjoyed them both. Yard sales are an adventure, aren't they?

My name is Riet said...

Funny words about yelling. Grat Y word.

Judie said...

That limerick is a real hoot!!!

We have an annual yard sale in our neighborhood every October. Years ago, the streets were so packed with cars, that if we had to be somewhere, we had to leave extra early. In the last few years, the traffic has dropped off dramatically, and this year, when I left at 8 a.m. for a meeting, mine was the only car on the street!!

Stacia said...

Sometimes yelling is good, plain fun! So are yard sales. =>

Anonymous said...

We love to go to yard sales too. I need to clean out some things before I have room for more finds.

21 Wits said...

Oh you've even got me yelling that is is a perfect post of Y!!!

Lola said...

Great ‘Y’ post! Unfortunately we don't have yard sales here in Spain! :(

Happy Alphabe-Thursday!

Have a great weekend too,



Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

tickling words.

Jenny said...

A limerick! You wrote a limerick!

I am soooo impressed!

You wrote a limerick for the letter Y and it was perfect!


And, yes, I was yelling.


Lmkazmierczak said...

Truth! You hit the nail on the head with your yard sale piece as well as the Yelling! Loved them both♫♪

Jo said...

love the limerick!!! and the yard sale post ... how i love a good yard sale!!!

Judie said...

So, I'm thinking, "This sounds familiar..." and then I start reading the comments, and see MINE! DID I COMMENT IN MY SLEEP? N0000000!

Brenda, this post was funny the first time, AND the second!


Jenny said...

Wow! This was perfect!

I love this...and it perfectly describes my youngest daughter! I wonder if she'd be all kinds of offended if I forwarded it to her? She's probably just end up yelling at me.


Thanks for a cute link!

Both your poems were perfect.
