Thursday, November 18, 2010




'I've told you time after time!'
'Time-out, kids!'
'Bath-time, you two!'
'I must make time to visit her!'
'About time, too!'
'I never have time to myself!'
'I suppose I'll just have to kill time!'
'Quality time is what we need!'
'Time, Gentlemen, please!'
The earthquake struck!
The stone clock in the market place
Broke like a biscuit.
The conversations ended,
Time died.
Tick! Tock!



This SCARLET WOMAN'S name is Selina and she is a character in one of my melodramas. She runs a boarding-house, luring unsuspecting men to their deaths! Well, you can't get much more scarlet than that!

(To the old tune 'Near You.')

There's just one place to be….
My place!
There's just one face to see…..
My face!
Are you feeling sad?
Are things looking bad?
Are there certan tender things
That make a man feel glad?
Come and try my soft beds!
Try my wine! I have Reds.
Gentlemen preferred!
A heap of them have purred!
For there's intimacy
At My Place!

I have one place in mind…..
My place!
It is oh so refined!
My base!
All that you desire
By my cosy fire!
You may even linger till
We cuddle and retire!
See! My door stands ajar!
For you!
Yes! You look below par!
Poor you!
Ladies! Don't apply!
Yes! Ladies! Walk on by!
But the men can unwind
At My Place!


Donna B. said...

Very clever are very talented.

Helen said...

It's 2:30am and I can't sleep. The best solution? Singing all of your words to a very familiar tune! Thank you.

Conversations was awesome.

jabblog said...

I liked the stark conclusion in Conversations and laughed at your scarlet woman. It's good to balance the opposites in this way though really she's as menacing as an earthquake - just not so noticeable :-)

Ingrid said...

The only Scarlet I know is the one from Gone with the Wind, lol!

kaykuala said...

Go back through time, by way of the time tunnel. There's so much to accomplish within the given time frame and time constraints, phew! Time is just timeless.

Great, Brenda, thanks for the time!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Time is for frolicking through life, until it stops. Loved both takes!

Cad said...

Goodness! Ada would be after my blood if she caught be reading poems like your second one here... A scarlet woman could be just what I need...

hedgewitch said...

Clever and neatly tied up with a bow on the last line. I enjoyed it very much, (even if I've looked at the prompt picture a thousand times by now and see no indication it's a clock...sigh...) Thanks for dropping by my place, also.

Amanda Moore said...

great magpies, loved them both for the first one I think we have been there at one time or another!

Anonymous said...

The pre-earthquake conversation was just too scary! Well, the conversation wasn't scary...but the situation certainly was!! Very sad and sudden!! And EXTREMELY well written!!! A clever take on the Magpie!!!

The scarlet woman was like.....oooohhh...seductive!! Thank Goodness she shooed ladies away! Which means, I have a better chance at staying alive.. :)