Wandering round the Domain (mentioned recently)
We chanced upon this perfect glimpse of the shimmering sea.
The harbour and the fountain seemed in perfect harmony
Set-off by the lushness of each bush and flower and tree.
I have an enormous liking for hints of symmetry
And so this pleasant city scene was paradise for me.

We were eating in a restaurant,
Suzie, my wife, and I,
When I caught sight of a well-known face
At a table just nearby.
'Good grief!' I said 'It's Alice Dean!
I'd know her anywhere!
She's aged a bit and gone quite dark.
I think she's dyed her hair
I knew her as a dizzy blonde
And we were so in love.
To think that I'd see her again!
Alice! Heavens above!'
I began to reminisce, of course,
There was so much to recall.
The affair had been so passionate,
I had to recount it all.
'Alice said I was divine!
She loved my boyish curls.
She said she was the envy
Of all the other girls.
She said my manly figure
Was perfection! (It was true!)
How come I don't get compliments
Like that, my dear, from you?
'Poor girl,' I said, 'When we split up
It really broke her heart.
They say poor Alice took to drink
Because we had to part.
Look! See! She's really sozzled now!
It seems she must still care!
It must have hurt her very much
.........I must try not to stare.
Oh, I recovered very soon;
She didn't, it appears!
To think she's still besotted
After more than fifteen years!'
My wife looked blankly at me then,
So I stopped, mid-conversation.
She said,'Why! That's amazing, dear!
What a long celebration!'
Looks pretty shot...happy watery Wednesday.
Hahaha! Yes, 15 years is indeed a long celebration. :)
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