Saturday, January 23, 2010

Silent Symphony



A book, a stand, a clarinet,
But no-one's there to use them yet.
Left to itself an instrument
Is quite inert, with no intent.
The book is paper, nothing more
Although it may contain a score.
Awareness of music is not in these;
Their purpose isn't symphonies.
Clarinet, book and stand all wait
To meet the player that seals their fate.

More Magic Music here:

See tomorrow's blog for a rather cynical view of joy.


Margaret Gosden said...

And who will be the player, I wonder. One of my favourite instruments besides the piano. I looks very inviting - and the shadows set it off nicely.

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific shadow shot! And I love your words, as always! Hope you're having a great weekend! Enjoy!


Chubskulit Rose said...

what a great shadow shot.

My shadow shots

EJ said...

great composition!

My Mugs shadows

Anonymous said...

As usual, your words made me smile!

Ralph said...

The artist has practiced so much, he/she knows their part cold. Yet the anticipation could consume them if not.So the musician has to play the part, and is ready - we hope the audience is as ready...

Jen said...

Happy SSS to you and the mysterious clarinet player.
Great post!

Cassie said...

This was a very good shadow shot. And the poetry --- so clever!

A Wild Thing said...

Yes, sealing their fate, but the joy is all ours listening to their shot!

Crafty Green Poet said...

so true, music is not music until its performed...

Unknown said...

Very cool shot! Aptly titled and a nice poem to go with it. Perfectly creative in every way.

wanderlust said...

I love this, a musical shadow shot!

Beverley Baird said...

Great shadow shot and a lovely poem!

Jonny Hamachi said...

nice, very nice