Saturday, January 9, 2010

On Reflection


Harry was only two years old when I took this candid shot.
We wouldn't let him go outside because the sun was hot.
But Daddy was in the garden, that's why there were such tears;
A proper little tantrum, quite painful to the ears!
On reflection, though, it seems to me the years have gone too fast,
And I am almost sorry that the tantrum age has passed,
Though what we now have in return is a lovely school-age boy.
Gains and losses, that is life. Grandchildren are a joy.

More toddler behaviour here:


Anonymous said...

I love this take on reflection, both the written and the visual:)

J Cosmo Newbery said...

He's no happy!

Pat said...

What a cute poem and photo! Truly enjoyed it!

GEna @ thinking aloud said...

happy weekend!

Eden said...

Great reflection and what a memory!

Thanks for sharing..

Rune Eide said...

Children of all ages are a joy - but so is fewer tantrums :-)

cieldequimper said...

:-)) making me smile!

Anonymous said...

Kids can be so cute at this age...but I can do without the tantrums!

Anonymous said...

A powerful image and powerful words Brenda.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great shot of a mirrored tantrum! We have a three year old granddaughter, and my time does fly. A delightful poem. I am continuing to enjoy your poetry so much

Kat said...

What an enjoyable post! Love the reflection shot, and the words are perfect. Kathy

James said...

A reflection in more ways than one. Very cute picture. I think he wanted to go outside. :)

Carolyn said...

A great post and a wonderful picture....balance, that is what it is all about.
Smiles and blessings

Carolyn said...

P.S. is there a prize for being your 100th follower!!!!!!!!!!

Matty said...

A nice prose for a grandchild. I have 3 myself.