Sunday, January 3, 2010




It seems that modern life allows
Little time for us to browse.
Old-time book-shops disappear
And they had such great atmosphere!
The smell of ancient printed pages
Comes to us from down the ages.
And it's absolutely vital
That we find that special title.
"What is this life if, full of care,"
Book-shops just stop being there?

A touch of the Agathas here:


Anonymous said...

Your photo and words are so fitting and sadly so true. Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

so true! The new bookstores like Borders are nice, but you don't get that "smell".

Margaret Gosden said...

That looks like a nice browsy kind of bookstore. We have so many different sources of books in NYC including the sidewalk book sellers. One of the largest old bookstores here, The Strand, that is straddling to offer both old and 'new' (reprints of classical and contemporary) titles flourishes - taking in books people want to sell daily. The price range varies depending on the condition of the book and, of course, on its 'collectibility' found in what is called the Rare Book department. The Strand also invites authors to talk about their newly published books, just as its opposite number, the undiscounted book store, Barnes and Noble, does.
Then there are the thrift shops that take in a lot of
books, and they can be even cheaper. The old romantic dusty, treasure trove of a bookstore has gone, and so has the discomfort of a hot/cold and humid/chilly atmosphere been replaced with a more temperate, better lighted atmosphere for
the enjoyment and discovery of one's favourite authors.

Lene said...

Oh, now - we would be poor without the books... It is impossible to reed a great roman online,,
Happy new year :)

Anonymous said...

I have been a life-long haunter of bookshops and the deterioration is so very saddening.

Julie said...

Could not agree with the sentiments conveyed by your image and text today, Brenda.

Here in Sydney we have Gleebooks, Gertrude & Alice, and Elizabeths. Give me them anyday over Borders and even Dymocks or Angus & Roberstons.

I wish you health, happiness and peace for twenty ten.

Rune Eide said...

You but my feelings into words exactly - where is the old-fashioned book-store?

You don't get the same feeling from Amazon...

PS Happy New Book-Year!

Chie Wilks said...

that's a lot of books..reminding me of those pressured times in the library back in my HS days

mine is here

Anonymous said...

You are a super poet, love it.
Happy New Year...:)

Mari Meehan said...

There is a book store in Alberton, MT you would love. It's an old house filled from basement to attic with books. As you enter a bell tingles alerting the owners of your presence. You are free to browse where ever you like for as long as you like for the books are in a mere semblance of order. If you find something you wish to purchase a tingle of a bell by the cash register rousts the owner from what ever she was doing in the residence part of the house which can't be more than a room and a bath! It has been there forever and I suspect it will be there forever. It is a treasure.

Sally said...

I do love the smell of old books, now that you mention it x) <3