Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ruddy Cheek!

Santa Claus

Saint Nicholas


We see the well-known Santa in the top picture above;
He wears the red-and-white array that we have come to love.
We recognise it everywhere, on Xmas cards and such,
And we don't consider what may lie behind it, very much.
Saint Nicholas (the man below) once brought the little toys,
The oranges and biscuits for much poorer girls and boys.
His name was changed to Santa Claus when it was Anglicised
But his present-giving attributes were always recognised.
Now, advertising's powerful, on that we all agree,
And Coca-Cola made a meme that's gone down in history.
In 1931 they thought of 'Santa! Red and white!'
They wanted their advertisement to look all bold and bright.
They gave their Santa ruddy cheeks and a great big beaming smile
And the well-known fat bonhomie of the 'Ho ho ho-ing' style.
Poor old Saint Nick was relegated to the history books
And the Coca-Cola Santa reigned supreme in clothes and looks!
Now, when we see 'our' Santa Claus, we think it a tradition,
We never think 'commercial' or a mercenary mission!
So now, when you sit on a ruddy Santa's knee,
Remember that he's only young!
He's the very same age as me!

He's wearing red and white in this one here:

See tomorrow's blog for some Xmas decorations.


Ladyinblue said...

Hello, nice pictures of Santa.
Here Santa is coming on the 24th and he lives around the corner almost. Well, at the side of the mountain :)
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Coffeedoff said...

Great rhyme and you have given us lots to think off in this post.

Robin said...

I love the way you closed this one. Santa's modern trappings are so entrenched now it's hard to remember that it was all started to sell more soda.

EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting how much advertising has influenced us! Marketers are sometimes very subtle!

I always enjoy reading your clever poems.

Winifred said...

I love it! Yes it's much more commercialised but luckily he's not really recognised as linked with Coke despite their commercials. Have to say I haven't seen a single Coke ad this year. Thank goodness!

Maude Lynn said...

Great post! I had no idea!

moosh said...

Very informative and clever poem. Ads do influnce us. You might enjoy the Christmas story I wrote. HRT

EJ said...


My Festive Rubies says Merry Christmas.

The Cunning Runt said...

Great poem about the subtleties of advertising and the power of the commercial myth!

Annie Bear said...

I think Coca-Cola did a pretty good job. I heard this before but it's still very interesting.

Sorry no weather swaps. I don't like hot weather. :)

James said...

Oops. Lucy the cat was actually me. I forgot to log out my wife. :)

George S Batty said...

Old Grizz was here for a visit. Love the way you a tell little history with your poetry. Merry Christmas and hope your new year brings the rest of the blogging world a lot of new poetry from your great blog.

Lori said...

Love the Santa. My kitchen is in coca-cola and I always put out Christmas Coca-Cola decorations.

Anonymous said...

I still remember the ol' St. Nick. had no clew Coca Cola started the new look. Call me updated....and Happy Christmas to you, Brenda :)

Auntie E said...

I love the second one. Saint Nicholas.
Happy Ruby Tuesday
Mine is up: Ruby in the Snow
link is in my name.

Chie Wilks said...

cool photos.....let's celerated our Christmas with Coca-Cola

mine is here

Helena said...

Great post! I had no idea that Coca-Cola started the red and white Santa Claus. Thanks for the marketing lesson. :)

Merry Christmas!

LA Nickers said...

What a fun post!