Here, in the dusty cupboards of my past
Lie all the many things I've never done!
And riding on a sled through falling snow
Is, as I reconsider, such a one.
I've never perched upon that fragile steed,
High on a hill, and, gazing down below,
Observed the frozen pathway I must ride,
And muttered 'Do I really want to go?'
I've never forced myself to push away
And, overcoming fears, greet gravity
By launching my frail craft upon its way
Into a world of bright felicity.
I've never felt the glittering rush of wind
Assaulting my red cheeks as down I fly!
I've never clung on over dip and bounce
And felt the world of others streaming by!
I've never yelled with joy at risk and speed!
I've never clung on with such desperate verve!
I've never felt that overwhelming thrill
As the elements assault each tingling nerve!
Nor have I landed in a chortling heap
Among my friends who're waiting at the base,
And basked in that great feeling of success
Which nothing on this earth can quite replace.
So, since, in some ways, I have been deprived,
Do I feel that Fate has been a mite unkind?
Ah no! Because you see I ride my sleds
Here, in my ever-sledding mind!
My son has left for America;
All night I have lain weeping.
Tossing and turning through the night
Without a thought of sleeping.
To think I'll no more see his face,
His voice I'll no more hear;
To think I'll never watch the door
And know that he'll appear!
The months will pass; there'll be no word.
I'll pray he has survived!
For weeks I'll wait to get the news
That at least he has arrived!
What if he marries over there
In a strange land far away!
I'll never see his wife or child
However much I pray!
And, if he dies, I'll never know!
So even now I mourn
For my lovely boy who's gone from me!
Why ever was he born!
My heart is like an Autumn leaf,
Dead and yet still existing!
The laughter's vanished from my life!
With tears my eyes are misting.
He's gone! A yawning gulf's been built
By my own son erected!
And I shall live till my dying day
Distraught and disconnected!
My son has left for America.
He'll be working over there.
I felt a little teary
As the plane took to the air.
But, as he says, a hop and skip
Is all it takes these days
And we can all communicate
In so many different ways.
He'll text me when the plane arrives;
Should be any minute now.
And then I'll know the which and when
And where and who and how!
He's going to send an email;
I expect he'll attach some shots
Of all the places that he'll see;
All the really scenic spots.
I'm glad that we have both got Skype;
That means I'll see his face
And we can have a lengthy chat,
Sitting there, face to face.
I plan to take a trip in June;
Two months and then I'll leave.
And he's coming home for Christmas!
He'll arrive on New Years Eve.
It's great that we can keep in touch.
I'll never feel neglected.
The world has shrunk so very small
We're no more disconnected.

Two wonderful poems. I love the detail in the first, of the thing you've never done, but with which you're intimately acquainted!
I love this post and your blog is beautiful:) Greetings
Absolutely wonderful all 3 posts...I so enjoyed reading the differences between and now and 200years ago- even 100 years ago was a huge difference.
And it's never too late to get on that sled and GO Girl! Speed of fright....hahahah
Nice poem, but gosh you have not experienced one of the wonderful joys of childhood (mine at least). But I am sure that your childhood had other joys that mine did not!
Love the detail for one who has never done!
Seems to me you've done it's all in the mind, they say!! Super!!!
I like the way your ever sledding mind thinks.
My son is also far away. I know the feeling and the fears. So happy for the age of quick and easy communication and travel. Happy holidays!
New Snow
All three were just wonderful! It must have been so traumatic for the parents of children leaving home back then! Even if they were just moving to the south in the US or to the west...they might not have ever seen their folks again.
Three pieces! We are blessed. You may not have had the sledding experience, but you describe it perfectly - each detail!
Dear RR: The Three Poetry gifts are rich in spirit. In the first poem lack of experience is an illusion when the mind's imagination is fertile! "Nor have I landed in a chortling heap" Definitely you have been sledding in my mnd! The two following poems re: Immigration 1810 and 2010 are a stark reminder of how these threads are generationally traced and the feelings stay the same; much remorse for a son who should leave his dearest mother and family. It is interesting to the note the historical variations in surroundings, yet the feelings stay the same! Great study!
Sometimes the best experiences occur in the mind. :) Excellent post, as always...
All these are wonderful! I love that you sled in your mind--where many of my experiences have happened as well. I love that you show how much technology has shrunk the world. Excellent!
Leaving home is traumatic. Distance and age play a big part. You captured it so well!
Two really good pieces. In the Magpie, I love how your imagination has created the ride that you never had so perfectly.
The second poignantly describes the mother's feelings when her son crosses the ocean, and illustrates the change in what that means then to now very well.
Very nice on both counts.
What a great magpie. I was able to imagine the feelings and thrill of flying down the hill perfectly with your descriptive poetry. You do not lack because your mind sees so clearly.
"Ever sledding mind" how wonderful! Enjoyed your offering, thank you.
these pieces were both absolutely beautiful and the second "Migration" poignant, technology has definitely made the world a smaller place.
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