Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One of the Best



A tea-towel from Harry! One of the best
Presents at Christmas. I loved all the rest,
But this was so special because at his school
Self-portraits are asked for; tea-towels are the rule.
The parents all buy them, for each little face
Is there on the tea-towel, in its right place.
Harry is two lines down, fifth from the right
And the tea-towel is printed in red and in white.
Since my kitchen is painted in white and in red
I display it with pleasure. It fits! Enough said!
Of course I'd display it if it were bright blue.
But I'm pretty house-proud!
That might not be true!


I went looking for manifestos;
I'd never done it before.
In fact, of the exact meaning,
I wasn't even sure.
And I found the above example,
Which quickly caught my eye.
I'm certain I would read it
If I were passing by.
The word derives from the Latin;
'Manifestum' it began....
A 'clear and conspicuous statement'
Of a creed, an aim, a plan.
Then it became Italian,
As 'manifesto', which we use.
The word has an important ring,
It's one politicians abuse.
I love the above manifesto;
I love its cute audacity.
Moreover, it has a ring of truth,
A feeling of veracity


Liz said...

It's beautiful. Happy New Year!

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Cheryl said...

The tea towel is precious. I wish my son's school had thought of something like that when he was growing up. I love the manifesto poem. It is quite clever.

Anonymous said...


love your capability in writing for so many challenges.

Anonymous said...


Happy Holidays.

You are quite a talent in short fiction! check out our short story slam week 17 prompt today,

Sample something new is a way to escape boredom,

Hope to see you be part of our short story slam team.


Enjoy A Blessed Winter Break.


Robin said...

What an adorable souvenir, I've never seen anything like it. Hope you finally got back to sleep last night and are feeling well rested today.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

Jessica said...

memorable shirt of the heroes, loved it :-) Thank you for sharing your Ruby Tuesday with us. Hope that you can return the favor too.


Leah H. said...

Oh, so sweet! So special:)

Visiting for RT! Here's mine- hope you can visit too:)
