Saturday, February 6, 2010

Coastal Pathway



Winding down to Dudley Beach
The gentle pathway goes.
And why Dudley is called Dudley
I doubt if anybody knows.
There's another place called Dudley
Near Birmingham, U.K.
Some immigrant took the name with him
When he sailed so far away.
Aborigines lived around here, first,
Traces of them are found;
Middens for their rubbish,
Implements in the ground.
I often think their lives back then
Must have been so very pleasant.
But mostly Europeans
Live around here in the present.
First there was a coal-mine,
And immigrant miners came;
That's when the name of the settlement
First received its name.
So one can presume a miner
Maybe a homesick one,
Gave the name to the coal-mine.
Maybe that's how it was done.
But, like many ancient coal-mines,
The Dudley Mine closed down,
And now it's a thriving suburb,
One of the best in town.
Because of the views of the ocean
'MacMansions' have been erected,
Wealthy people live there
And snobbishness is detected!
But the view presented up above
Is a timeless one, for sure,
As the gentle pathway goes winding down
To Dudley's beachy shore.

Another place name here:


eileeninmd said...

Great post and a photo. It is pretty place.

istanbuldailyphoto said...

A road passing through forests, fantastic.

Cheryl said...

Lovely words. Ah, to wander down that lovely pathway would be a delight! Seems so serene, peaceful and a promise of a warm spot at the end!

Johnny Nutcase said...

Very pretty! Looks like such a perfect day, too! Good words to go along with the photo!

Johnny Nutcase said...

Very pretty! Looks like such a perfect day, too! Good words to go along with the photo!

Darlene said...

What a lovely path. At least the ocean and the path can be enjoyed by everyone and not just the elite in their mansions.

Carolyn Ford said...

What a lovely path that is! I would enjoy being there right now very much...

wenn said...

beautiful scenery n lovely poem!

Anonymous said...

It's scenic so I see why the wealthy have taken it over for themselves. :)

sunnymama said...

Very scenic! Would love to go for a walk there. :)