Monday, September 7, 2009

Behold the Gold!



The sun was behind the clouds today;
Everything seemed to be touched by grey.
A good day for honest garden toil,
Dealing with roots and shoots and soil.
A trip to the nursery seemed ideal
To get away from the bend and kneel,
And look for Spring flowers to light our way
On such a drabby sort of day.
Then, round a corner, I espied
A sunny day personified!
Set against slats of brightest yellow,
Themselves a treat, so bright and mellow,
I saw three 'suns', well, imitations,
Pleasantly planned rotund creations,
Destined to grace some garden wall
And bring delight to one and all.
I threw them a glance as if to say
'Thanks a lot! You've made my day!'
More garden delight here:


maryt/theteach said...

Brenda, What a pretty photo with a real golden accent! Love your poetry as usual! :)

Norm said...

what a beautiful poem, love the arrangement of pots and flowers, happy mellow yellow.


Megan, Life Revamped said...

have a great week ahead!

Carletta said...

Lovely filigreed structures to wish and sigh over! They look wonderful against that yellow wall.
"To get away from the bend and kneel" - love that expression.

VioletSky said...

What great sun wheels!

Miranda said...

Beautiful! Love the lil poem!

Ms. Journ said...

very artistic friend. My MYM here.

HappyK said...

Nice poem and a great yellow wall!

Unknown said...

Lovely photograph! Your muse is always cooperating, which is wonderful for us!

MYM said...

great photo! Love the background

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Glinting golden wall,
do you imitate the sun
or are you jaundiced?

My Mellow Yellow

Tina said...

Very nice entry for Mellow Yellow Monday.

Keep it up!

Mamí♥Picture said...

what a perfect poem and an a great shot of that yellow wall =)

Patricia said...

The yellow wall is just beautiful. You are approaching Spring and I am approaching Fall - I am always amazed at our world. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog and have a lovely new week.

Kat said...

yellow is a cheerful colour...
Indian womenfolk wear this silk saree often, to stand out in the crowd..!!!