Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kitty Pink

Pinkie, the kitten; little pink nose
About to smell a little pink rose!
Your ears are pink and transparent too!
We don't need pink glasses to appreciate you!


Margaret Gosden said...

Margaret's blog is at (or here) just in case you want to take a quick look. James of Weekend Reflections says he has never seen a female orange cat - is Pinkie male or female, I wonder.

jfb57 said...

This could also be a 'P' post as you mention pink a lot. sure is cute!

Stef said...

My daughter would die for that cat. Hubs is allergic so he would die too. I would die to have him to take care of that darn mouse I found this morning. Grrrr.
Great picture!

Jo said...

i just adore little kittens ... and that one is just too cute for words ... well, almost too cute for words, your words rocked!!!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Too cute for words - well almost!!

Wishing you a great weekend ahead & looking forward to *seeing* you again next time


Btw Your quick Alphabe-Thursday link

Anonymous said...

This kitten is so cute. I love the words you used with it.

Sue McPeak said...

Kool Kitty Photo and words! I think you've Kaptured the Letter K in a very kinP Way!

Gattina said...

That's a sweetie !

Teresa said...

How adorable! Love your little kitty!

Susan Anderson said...

I admit to not being a huge cat lover (though I have loved a couple), but kittens are always adorable. And that one is particularly so.


Judie said...

That is just the sweetest picture!!

Jenny said...

What a sweet picture and an adorable poem.

This kute little stop made my heart smile today as I journeyed through Alphabe-Thursday!

Thank you for linking.
