Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blue and White

Sadly, I never visited the wonderful isles of Greece,
Which, in my mind, are heavenly, filled with blue-and-white and peace.
I've seen them represented on many a print and card,
And imagining I've been there has not been very hard.
This is an Australian version of the Grecian situation;
Our local swimming pool and its plebeian pumping-station.
It's genuinely blue and white, though classical it's not,
But at least the sky is cloudless and the weather's really hot.
We cannot all have what we want; I'll never go to Greece,
But at least this view is heavenly, filled with blue-and-white and peace!

The same view in winter here:


Jan said...

It makes a nice pic, and I don't see the word plebian all the often!

Sylvia K said...

What a lovely capture, Brenda! I was very fortunate to be able to spend ten days in Greece, years ago and I've always wanted to go back. Definitely one of my most favorite places! Hope you have a great week!


Rosaria Williams said...

Yes, we all do what we can to have the pieces of life that support us.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty shot with the blues and white. I would love to visit Greece.

D Herrod said...

Cool shot.

Cheryl said...

Ah, I would love to visit Greece. I liked the blue and white scenery!

Jim said...

Love this shotSydney - City and Suburbs

NatureFootstep said...

I love this, but I will walk to the water at the end ;)

maryleal said...

Glad to see you are back! Looks like you were able to retrieve Blake? Greece is a place we ought to have done when we were younger! We could still go, could we not?

Anonymous said...

My last comment is in error - maryleal. This is Margaret - for some reason mryleal's URL appears to
be replacing mine. Will try to correct. However, the comment stands!

Maya said...

I can see a hint of Greece in this picture!!

Marites said...

it's so pretty! I would love to go there.

Light and Voices said...

Be still my heart....white and blue just is beautiful to me.
Joyce M

joanna said...

It is an interesting photo love the blue shadow lines on the long white walkway leading to an interesting shaped structure -- very nice indeed..

You know I have been hearing an awful lot about Greece lately, so many seem to want to visit there -- would be nice sigh

Allison Shops said...

I've never been to Greece either. Looks lovely. Dropping by from Outdoor Wednesday.
