Monday, November 30, 2009


Imagine yourself a mouse with this lovely yellow corn!
You don't feel particularly small, for that's how you were born!
Your 'hands' aren't tiny to you; they seem a natural size.
You look out onto a mouse-sized world with your lovely big brown eyes.
Of course, some creatures are HUGE; you think they call them men.
And TINY creatures, like ants, you step on now and again.
But a mouse-size is just right; it's the size things were meant to be
For, of course, the world was made for mice as anyone can see.
And this corn is the size of a hefty meal; you hold it in two paws;
You can chomp on it for quite a while, licking your lips, because
It was made this size for a mouse to eat whenever corn is in season.
Yes, the whole world is fashioned mouse-size for one particular reason;
Mice are the Lords of Creation; the world is correctly sized.
So if you find that Heaven's full of mice don't be surprised!

More important mice here:


Marice said...

awww how cute :) and that poem matches the photo so much! thanks for checking out mine!

Kim, USA said...

This is really cute and corny hehe. Happy Monday!


Patty said...

What a cute photo and lovely poem.

Mona said...

He's so cute! I hope the corn satisfied his hunger.

Chie Wilks said...

ohh wow..the mouse is so cute...amazingly capture...and look at that is really, really cute....

mine is here

Ladynred said...

That is one real cute mouse!

Jane said...

Wonderful shot, and very sweet. Thanks for sharing:)

Lindz said...

corny but cute... great pic

gengen said...

They are cute kids...Happy Blue Monday!

life's journey said...

Oh mouse is cool hehehee...Happy MYM!..

Coffeedoff said...

Great photo and rhyme!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a cute mouse! Why is it people go nuts when they get in the house? (Me included) They are so cute! Beautiful capture of this little guy and his corn!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Adorable photo ... delightful poem!
Hugs and blessings,

Jo said...

Lovely photo and poem, Brenda. This mouse looks just like our "Hammie" the dwarf hamster who has been left in Gran's care while the children visit family at the coast.

Jemina said...

Aww, that was a very cute poem and of course the mouse is too.
Check out my strange sunflowers