Tuesday, December 21, 2010



The locals, who were born 'down here'
See nothing odd at this time of year,
In people deciding to sally forth
Dressed as though they lived up north!
Christmas originated, long ago,
In the lands of ice and snow.
The Roman festival 'Saturnalia'
Along with all its paraphernalia,
Was exported to defeated nations
Who happily joined the celebrations.
The festival came at the time of year
When winter was cold and bleak and drear;
A great big party went down well
When outside was a living hell.
Lots of debauchery and wine,
People getting out of line,
Made the peasants shout 'Hooray!'
Especially as Spring was on the way.
When Christianity arrived
The Saturnalia survived
Because the church just changed the name!
Folk had parties just the same
But they became less rude and wild
Because they involved the Holy Child.
People still ate and drank to excess,
Overcome with happiness,
And, don't forget, the wintry weather
Made them happy to flock together.
Now here, in Australia, in December
The weather's blistering hot, remember!
But still folk wade through gigantic meals!
Imagine how a surfer feels
Weighed down by turkey and plum pud!
I bet he doesn't feel too good.
But, never mind, it is TRADITION!
It's very odd......
The human condition!


What is a Writer? I hear you ask.
Who is this person and what their task?
They may be living in garret or hovel,
Writing the perfect Australian novel.
They may bend their brows over timeless prose,
Through which the course of history flows.
Or maybe they write for Mills and Boon,
With men who smoulder and girls who swoon.
They may be producing a heavy tome
Concerning the goings-on in Rome,
With inspiration from the past;
A cavalcade with a mighty cast.
On the other hand there's the essay-writer
Whose works are briefer but never slighter.
Memoirs are writings that seek to capture
That well known 'first, fine, careless rapture'
There are writers of speeches who use the pen
To spur things on in affairs of men.
Who use their language to make that spin
That lands us all in the mess we're in!
And then there are diaries we daily write
Recording our lives before sleep each night.
Although they have no literary merit
They're something others can inherit!
So much for prose! Now we come to verse,
Lyric and long, or short and terse.
There are those for whom the thoughts run deep,
Whose passions shudder and terrors creep.
These words are chosen with lengthy care
And the depths of souls are then laid bare.
A hint of a rhyme would be out of place
And a rollicking rhythm would be a disgrace.
And then there's the poet we know full well:
The higgledy-piggledy and pell-mell.
Whose simple doggerel merely hops
From rhyme to rhyme until it stops!
Yes of all the many different bards
Let's remember the writers of greeting cards.
The writers of la-di-dah and chant
Whose words you send to your favourite aunt.
Those poets who write 'the holly berry'
And neatly rhyme it with 'Joy' and 'Merry'.
With Happy Birthday! Glad New Year!
Anniversary, Festive Cheer!
Lots of Luck or Congratulations!
Even, at times, Commiserations!
Brand New Baby! Hole in One!
Happy Retirement from Everyone!
Although their words aren't smouldering, yearning,
They do help this sorry old world keep turning.
And now it is the holiday season
I write to greet you!
A very good reason.


Margaret Gosden said...

A great Christmas story. Radio City, USA, in its Christmas Show does not show the pre-christian story! It puts a whole new complexion on the event and we don't have to feel guilty anymore about festivities that don't necessarily include the holy family!

Hootin Anni said...

I guess Santa would HAVE to know how to surf, now, that you think about it. Great photo.

Link to my Ruby Tuesday

eileeninmd said...

Great post and story. I loved the surfers shot.
Merry Christmas!

Empty Nester said...

Enjoyed the picture and the prose!

Jan n Jer said...

Loved the photo n the story!

reg said...

wonderful post and I wish I could complain about the heat here in Canada in Deceber

JunieRose2005 said...

WOW! Neat picture and a very cool blog! (Or HOT!!!)

Love your poems!!


Maude Lynn said...

You have such a way with rhyme!

Jim said...

Awesome surfing Santas.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love the surfing Santas. No surfing here for Santa or anyone else. We have had 4 or 5 feet of snow! Snow boarding Santas.....

Judie said...

Hahaha! You have outdone yourself for sure! Great post!!

Anonymous said...

That first poem with the Surfin' Santas is just great!

Anonymous said...

I love how your rhymes flowed. The surfers are so cute.

fredamans said...

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!

H said...

Great poems! They made me giggle. You are so comfortable and expressive with words; wonderful :)

The Santa shot is a scream too. Isn't it funny how we cling onto traditions, even when they are a little crazy!

Have a great Christmas.

Francisca said...

Again your rhymes make me smile... All the best to you and yours!

Susan Anderson said...

Wonderful poems!

Merry Christmas to you...


Jo said...

ah yes, the human condition ... we are a laughable lot at times! wonderful poems!

Jenny said...

What a wonderful humorous spell you cast over us with these well wrought words. The picture just added to the perfection.

I am always astonished when I visit you.

You are a master word crafter, for certain.

Thank you for sharing this holiday link with us.

Sending you warm wishes for a 2011 filled with joy, warmth and adventure!

Anonymous said...

I am coming back to your site for additional before long.

Anonymous said...

Good day. Very nice site!! Guy .. Beautiful .. Superb

Anonymous said...

I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.