Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Bloggy New Year!



Of course it's egocentric! That we all admit.
But it's a pleasant pastime, so I don't mind a bit.
My Family think I'm dotty, my Friends could not care less,
And yet it gives me hours and hours of harmless happiness.
Once my poetry was private, not because I am shy,
But because nobody cared for it! That was the reason why!
But now I'm part of a great world-wide community of 'me',
Other like-minded poets who find Blogging sets them free;
Free to find an audience, a transient one it's true,
But a group of people in Cyberspace who write the way we do.
So a Bloggy New Year to all of us! Some people paint or jog
Or swim or sew or deep-sea-fish!
As for me

Trevor Tucker
'Tis the season of goodwill
(And I would wish no person ill)
So I send the hope that the  New Year
May fill you both with real good cheer
So may you prosper in every way
And continue with your blog each day
* Trevor reads my Blog. Trevor was the son of the house when I was evacuated many, many years ago. We have kept in touch over the years, off and on, and I was delighted to receive this New Year wish in rhyme. (Sadly, his wife, Margaret, is no longer with us, but it gives me pleasure to see her photograph on  my blog.)


Anonymous said...

Love the poem! Happy New Year!

Teresa said...

Such wonderful poems. It really is true that it's great to have a like-minded audience! Happy New Year to you too!

Stef said...

Oh oh oh! I love your writing. Ain't it the truth. We find our satisfaction and validation through our cyber friends!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That pretty much sums it all up right there doesn't it?



Pondside said...

You've said it for me too - that's it. There's nothing else in my life like blogging - with work and the responsibilities of everyday life, blogging is an outlet. I don't have much of a creative side, but what there is gets exercised!

Shiju Sugunan said...

You have said it so well. Wish you a happy new year!

La said...

I love your poetry! I am your newest follower. Happy New Year! La

Sue McPeak said...

A Bloggy New Year to you, too! So much fun being here and reading your post and poem! What an interesting 'AboutYou' your style! Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year DownUnder...always wanted to say that...LOL!!! I'd love to visit Australia...maybe one day!

Susan Anderson said...

I always enjoy your poems, and I blog for some of the very same reasons!


Judie said...

Your poetry is wonderful!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

happy new year.

smart showcase, well done.

Jenny said...



Bloggers are cool...

...and amazing...

...and interesting...


I for one am glad you blog, cuz I always, always enjoy visiting you!

Thanks for linking!
