Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Stripes and Stars.


suggest STARS AND STRIPES but.......

When asked to write on 'Stars and Stripes' I wanted to get away
From the very obvious flag idea we come across every day.
And, sure enough, I found this shot, taken from way up high;
A beautiful shot of a Baseball game from way up in the sky.
The 'stars' are there as they always are, playing their skillful games,
Though I haven't the slightest idea, I fear, of anybody's names.
As for the 'stripes', oh what a show! What linear perfection!
Some groundsman  has gone up and back, with a great sense of direction.
No jingoistic flaggy stuff in this my little verse,
But very American just the same. I could have done much worse! 


quilly said...

Very well done. I could still hear the National Anthem playing.

Did whoever picked this theme even stop to wonder what those from another continent might respond to such a prompt. There are those who don't love our stars and stripes -- with, I fear, good reason.

starbender said...

Bravo~that was not an easy task!

RED-WHITE-BLUE is always associated with the flag- 4th. of July, and now baseball.

Weather all people love our stars & stripes doesn't matter~~~when they need someone to back them - who do they call.....????


Elisabeth's bright side said...

Thanks for the new twist!

Patty said...

Very nicely done.

Darlene said...

Of course I expected to see a rhyme about our flag when I saw the title to your rhyme. I'm glad you surprised me.

Margaret Gosden said...

Lovely view of manicured grass for baseball - it is so ambiguous that I couldn't make out what it was, at first!

Mari Meehan said...

What a great take on "America's pastime"!

dnr said...

You really changed the outlook - making us see the Stripes and the Stars, in it..!!!