Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Red for Reminiscence



Rebecca went to Europe when she was twenty-one.
She met a lot of people and she had a lot of fun.
She returned with a loaded suitcase with presents for us all.
She is that sort of person......presents, wall-to-wall!
I must have received a dozen, from everywhere she'd been.
If you look at my kitchen photo one of them can be seen.
A little tea-towel from Austria, with a recipe displayed,
A recipe for Strudel, telling how it should be made.
My kitchen, at that time, was green, then various different hues;
But red was never suitable so red I didn't choose.
But, recently, my kitchen has become a sparkling white,
So after twenty hidden years my tea-towel's in full sight.
And I've bought more reds to match it! There's much mirth from my son,
Who counted all the reds in view and said they were overdone!
But I've an added reason, for 'painting the town red'.
If you could see, there's a red plate on the wall behind my head.
It was made for me by my mother a year before she died.
She was well into her nineties, so I view the plate with pride.
So now it fits Ruby Tuesday! It's as though I must have known
That one day I'd go blogging and have a Blog all of my own!

More magical colour here:


Winifred said...

Oh I love red and white. It's so clean and fresh.

I can't see the plate but I like the plant and I spy with my little eye a red tomato for the ketchup. I haven't had one for ages, since my children left home. My husband doesn't like tomato sauce and neither do my grandchildren. Might have to get one as it's brought back lots of memories seeing it.

Worth hanging onto that tea towel wasn't it.

Can't see the plate, is it in the photo?

Anonymous said...

I had a piece of shtrudel when I visited Vienna - they call it something like apel torte /forgive my German :)/ and it was yummy. Nice present! Red always brings the boldness in the room

Dianne said...

a beautiful kitchen!!

and I love the shot of your home up above too, you have a wonderful place

Marites said...

interestingly lively kitchen with all that red. Really nice to have all those mementoes from travel outside the country.

My RT entry is up too.

Jama said...

What a lively kitchen! the white makes it so clean.

srp said...

Red and white looks so clean and.. well, friendly in a kitchen. You are a poet indeed!

Kat said...

Fristly, it's so sweet of Rebecca to tirelessly carry back a suitcase of presents. Learnt a lesson..!!!

Secondly, your kitchen looks awesome. Loved it. And the splashes of Red amidst the whites is beautiful..!!!!

Thirdly..... is your kitchen copyrighted? :))))